.TH man 1 "2023-08-03" "0.13.1" "Profanity XMPP client" .SH NAME /caps \- the Profanity /caps command. .SH DESCRIPTION Find out a contacts, or room members client software capabilities. If in private chat initiated from a chat room, no parameter is required. .SH SYNOPSIS /caps .LP /caps <fulljid>|<nick> .LP .SH ARGUMENTS .PP \fB<fulljid>\fR .RS 4 If in the console or a chat window, the full JID for which you wish to see capabilities. .RE .PP \fB<nick>\fR .RS 4 If in a chat room, nickname for which you wish to see capabilities. .RE .SH EXAMPLES /caps ran@cold.sea.org/laptop .LP /caps ran@cold.sea.org/phone .LP /caps aegir .LP