.\" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .\" Update the date below if you make any significant change. .\" Make sure there are no errors with: .\" groff -z -wall -b -e -t multipathd/multipathd.8 .\" .\" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- . .TH MULTIPATHC 8 2022-09-03 Linux . . .\" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .SH NAME .\" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- . multipathc \- Interactive client for multipathd . . .\" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .SH SYNOPSIS .\" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- . .B multipathc .RB [\| .IR timeout .RB \|] . . .\" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .SH DESCRIPTION .\" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- . The \fBmultipathc\fR tool provides an interactive shell for communicating with the \fBmultipathd\fR daemon. The command \fBmultipathd -k\fR invokes \fBmultipathc\fR. .P All commands documented in \fBmultipathd(8)\fR are supported. The available commands can be viewed by entering '\fIhelp\fR'. Use \fIquit\fR, \fIexit\fR, or \fBCTRL-D\fR to exit the shell. Keywords can be abbreviated with the first letters (for example, \fIshu\fR for \fIshutdown\fR), if the abbreviation is unique. Some commands support pretty-printing using \fBprintf\fR-style format specifiers. The supported format specifiers can be listed with the command \fBshow wildcards\fR. Depending on build options, the interactive shell may provide command completion and history expansion features. .P The optional parameter \fBtimeout\fR specifies the timeout to wait for a reply from \fBmultipathd\fR, in milliseconds. The default is 4000 ms. . . .\" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .SH "SEE ALSO" .\" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- . .BR multipathd (8) . . .\" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .SH AUTHORS .\" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- . \fImultipath-tools\fR was developed by Christophe Varoqui and others. .\" EOF