.TH "pfsinpfm" 1
pfsinpfm \- Load images or frames in PFM format
.B pfsinpfm
(<file> [--frames <range>] [--skip-missing])  [<file>...]

Use this command to read frames in PFM format. PFM format is used for
HDR Shop plug-ins and is also supported by some recent versions of
NetPBM package (pamtopfm and pfmtopam commands). The frames are
converted to pfs stream and send to the Standard Output. This command
can handle both color and gray-scale images.

Details on the format of the pattern file names, which are used for
reading multiple frames, can be found in the manual page of pfsinppm.

To automatically recognize a file format from the extension, use
\fIpfsin\fR command instead.

 pfsin memorial.pfm | pfsout memorial.hdr

Converts from one HDR format to another

Please report bugs and comments on implementation to 
the discussion group http://groups.google.com/group/pfstools
.BR pfsin (1)
.BR pfsinppm (1)
.BR pfsoutpfm (1)