.TH "wayland::server::zwp_pointer_gestures_v1_t" 3 "Wed May 3 2023" "Version 1.0.0" "Wayland++" \" -*- nroff -*-
.ad l
wayland::server::zwp_pointer_gestures_v1_t \- touchpad gestures  

\fC#include <wayland\-server\-protocol\-unstable\&.hpp>\fP
Inherits wayland::server::resource_t\&.
.SS "Public Member Functions"

.in +1c
.ti -1c
.RI "std::function< void(\fBzwp_pointer_gesture_swipe_v1_t\fP, \fBpointer_t\fP)> & \fBon_get_swipe_gesture\fP ()"
.RI "get swipe gesture "
.ti -1c
.RI "std::function< void(\fBzwp_pointer_gesture_pinch_v1_t\fP, \fBpointer_t\fP)> & \fBon_get_pinch_gesture\fP ()"
.RI "get pinch gesture "
.ti -1c
.RI "std::function< void()> & \fBon_release\fP ()"
.RI "destroy the pointer gesture object "
.ti -1c
.RI "std::function< void(\fBzwp_pointer_gesture_hold_v1_t\fP, \fBpointer_t\fP)> & \fBon_get_hold_gesture\fP ()"
.RI "get hold gesture "
.ti -1c
.RI "bool \fBproxy_has_object\fP () const"
.RI "Check whether this wrapper actually wraps an object\&. "
.ti -1c
.RI "void \fBpost_no_memory\fP () const"
.ti -1c
.RI "uint32_t \fBget_id\fP () const"
.ti -1c
.RI "client_t \fBget_client\fP () const"
.ti -1c
.RI "unsigned int \fBget_version\fP () const"
.ti -1c
.RI "std::string \fBget_class\fP ()"
.in -1c
.SH "Detailed Description"
touchpad gestures 

A global interface to provide semantic touchpad gestures for a given pointer\&.
Three gestures are currently supported: swipe, pinch, and hold\&. Pinch and swipe gestures follow a three-stage cycle: begin, update, end, hold gestures follow a two-stage cycle: begin and end\&. All gestures are identified by a unique id\&.
Warning! The protocol described in this file is experimental and backward incompatible changes may be made\&. Backward compatible changes may be added together with the corresponding interface version bump\&. Backward incompatible changes are done by bumping the version number in the protocol and interface names and resetting the interface version\&. Once the protocol is to be declared stable, the 'z' prefix and the version number in the protocol and interface names are removed and the interface version number is reset\&. 
Definition at line \fB3112\fP of file \fBwayland\-server\-protocol\-unstable\&.hpp\fP\&.
.SH "Member Function Documentation"
.SS "std::string wayland::server::resource_t::get_class ()\fC [inherited]\fP"
Retrieve the interface name (class) of a resource object\&.
.RS 4
Interface name of the resource object\&. 

.SS "client_t wayland::server::resource_t::get_client () const\fC [inherited]\fP"
Get the associated client
.RS 4
the client that owns the resource\&. 

.SS "uint32_t wayland::server::resource_t::get_id () const\fC [inherited]\fP"
Get the internal ID of the resource
.RS 4
the internal ID of the resource 

.SS "unsigned int wayland::server::resource_t::get_version () const\fC [inherited]\fP"
Get interface version
.RS 4
Interface version this resource has been constructed with\&. 

.SS "std::function< void(\fBzwp_pointer_gesture_hold_v1_t\fP, \fBpointer_t\fP)> & zwp_pointer_gestures_v1_t::on_get_hold_gesture ()"

get hold gesture 
.RS 4
Create a hold gesture object\&. See the wl_pointer_gesture_hold interface for details\&. 
Definition at line \fB5571\fP of file \fBwayland\-server\-protocol\-unstable\&.cpp\fP\&.
.SS "std::function< void(\fBzwp_pointer_gesture_pinch_v1_t\fP, \fBpointer_t\fP)> & zwp_pointer_gestures_v1_t::on_get_pinch_gesture ()"

get pinch gesture 
.RS 4
Create a pinch gesture object\&. See the wl_pointer_gesture_pinch interface for details\&. 
Definition at line \fB5559\fP of file \fBwayland\-server\-protocol\-unstable\&.cpp\fP\&.
.SS "std::function< void(\fBzwp_pointer_gesture_swipe_v1_t\fP, \fBpointer_t\fP)> & zwp_pointer_gestures_v1_t::on_get_swipe_gesture ()"

get swipe gesture 
.RS 4
Create a swipe gesture object\&. See the wl_pointer_gesture_swipe interface for details\&. 
Definition at line \fB5553\fP of file \fBwayland\-server\-protocol\-unstable\&.cpp\fP\&.
.SS "std::function< void()> & zwp_pointer_gestures_v1_t::on_release ()"

destroy the pointer gesture object Destroy the pointer gesture object\&. Swipe, pinch and hold objects created via this gesture object remain valid\&. 
Definition at line \fB5565\fP of file \fBwayland\-server\-protocol\-unstable\&.cpp\fP\&.
.SS "void wayland::server::resource_t::post_no_memory () const\fC [inherited]\fP"
Post 'not enough memory' error to the client
If the compositor has not enough memory to fulfill a certail request of the client, this function can be called to notify the client of this circumstance\&. 
.SS "bool wayland::server::resource_t::proxy_has_object () const\fC [inherited]\fP"

Check whether this wrapper actually wraps an object\&. 
.RS 4
true if there is an underlying object, false if this wrapper is empty 

.SH "Author"
Generated automatically by Doxygen for Wayland++ from the source code\&.