.\" -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- '\" t .\" Copyright 1993 David Metcalfe (david@prism.demon.co.uk) .\" and Copyright 2015 Michael Kerrisk <mtk.manpages@gmail.com> .\" .\" SPDX-License-Identifier: Linux-man-pages-copyleft .\" .\" References consulted: .\" Linux libc source code .\" Lewine's _POSIX Programmer's Guide_ (O'Reilly & Associates, 1991) .\" 386BSD man pages .\" Modified Sun Jul 25 10:41:09 1993 by Rik Faith (faith@cs.unc.edu) .\"******************************************************************* .\" .\" This file was generated with po4a. Translate the source file. .\" .\"******************************************************************* .TH memcpy 3 "29 Diciembre 2022" "Páginas de manual de Linux 6.03" .SH NOMBRE memcpy \- copiar area de memoria .SH BIBLIOTECA Biblioteca Estándar C (\fIlibc\fP, \fI\-lc\fP) .SH SINOPSIS .nf \fB#include <string.h>\fP .PP \fBvoid *memcpy(void \fP\fIdest\fP\fB[restrict .\fP\fIn\fP\fB], const void \fP\fIsrc\fP\fB[restrict .\fP\fIn\fP\fB],\fP \fB size_t \fP\fIn\fP\fB);\fP .fi .SH DESCRIPCIÓN The \fBmemcpy\fP() function copies \fIn\fP bytes from memory area \fIsrc\fP to memory area \fIdest\fP. The memory areas must not overlap. Use \fBmemmove\fP(3) if the memory areas do overlap. .SH "VALOR DEVUELTO" La funcion \fBmemcpy\fP() devuelve un puntero a \fIdest\fP. .SH ATRIBUTOS Para obtener una explicación de los términos usados en esta sección, véase \fBattributes\fP(7). .ad l .nh .TS allbox; lbx lb lb l l l. Interfaz Atributo Valor T{ \fBmemcpy\fP() T} Seguridad del hilo Multi\-hilo seguro .TE .hy .ad .sp 1 .SH ESTÁNDARES POSIX.1\-2001, POSIX.1\-2008, C99, SVr4, 4.3BSD. .SH NOTAS .\" glibc commit 6fb8cbcb58a29fff73eb2101b34caa19a7f88eba .\" From forward copying to backward copying Failure to observe the requirement that the memory areas do not overlap has been the source of significant bugs. (POSIX and the C standards are explicit that employing \fBmemcpy\fP() with overlapping areas produces undefined behavior.) Most notably, in glibc 2.13 a performance optimization of \fBmemcpy\fP() on some platforms (including x86\-64) included changing the order in which bytes were copied from \fIsrc\fP to \fIdest\fP. .PP .\" Adobe Flash player was the highest profile example: .\" https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=638477 .\" Reported: 2010-09-29 02:35 EDT by JCHuynh .\" Bug 638477 - Strange sound on mp3 flash website .\" .\" https://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=12518 .\" Bug 12518 - memcpy acts randomly (and differently) with overlapping areas .\" Reported: 2011-02-25 02:26 UTC by Linus Torvalds .\" .\" glibc commit 0354e355014b7bfda32622e0255399d859862fcd This change revealed breakages in a number of applications that performed copying with overlapping areas. Under the previous implementation, the order in which the bytes were copied had fortuitously hidden the bug, which was revealed when the copying order was reversed. In glibc 2.14, a versioned symbol was added so that old binaries (i.e., those linked against glibc versions earlier than 2.14) employed a \fBmemcpy\fP() implementation that safely handles the overlapping buffers case (by providing an "older" \fBmemcpy\fP() implementation that was aliased to \fBmemmove\fP(3)). .SH "VÉASE TAMBIÉN" \fBbcopy\fP(3), \fBbstring\fP(3), \fBmemccpy\fP(3), \fBmemmove\fP(3), \fBmempcpy\fP(3), \fBstrcpy\fP(3), \fBstrncpy\fP(3), \fBwmemcpy\fP(3) .PP .SH TRADUCCIÓN La traducción al español de esta página del manual fue creada por Vicente Pastor Gómez <vpastorg@santandersupernet.com> y Juan Piernas <piernas@ditec.um.es> . .PP Esta traducción es documentación libre; lea la .UR https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html GNU General Public License Version 3 .UE o posterior con respecto a las condiciones de copyright. No existe NINGUNA RESPONSABILIDAD. .PP Si encuentra algún error en la traducción de esta página del manual, envíe un correo electrónico a .MT debian-l10n-spanish@lists.debian.org .ME .