.\" DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! It was generated by help2man 1.49.2. .TH CNVKIT_AUTOBIN "1" "September 2022" "cnvkit autobin 0.9.9" "User Commands" .SH NAME cnvkit_autobin \- Quickly calculate reasonable bin sizes from BAM read counts. .SH DESCRIPTION usage: cnvkit autobin [\-h] [\-f FILENAME] [\-m {hybrid,amplicon,wgs}] .TP [\-g FILENAME] [\-t TARGETS] [\-b BP_PER_BIN] [\-\-target\-max\-size BASES] [\-\-target\-min\-size BASES] [\-\-antitarget\-max\-size BASES] [\-\-antitarget\-min\-size BASES] [\-\-annotate FILENAME] [\-\-short\-names] [\-\-target\-output\-bed FILENAME] [\-\-antitarget\-output\-bed FILENAME] bams [bams ...] .SS "positional arguments:" .TP bams Sample BAM file(s) to test for target coverage .SS "options:" .TP \fB\-h\fR, \fB\-\-help\fR show this help message and exit .TP \fB\-f\fR FILENAME, \fB\-\-fasta\fR FILENAME Reference genome, FASTA format (e.g. UCSC hg19.fa) .TP \fB\-m\fR {hybrid,amplicon,wgs}, \fB\-\-method\fR {hybrid,amplicon,wgs} Sequencing protocol: hybridization capture ('hybrid'), targeted amplicon sequencing ('amplicon'), or whole genome sequencing ('wgs'). Determines whether and how to use antitarget bins. [Default: hybrid] .TP \fB\-g\fR FILENAME, \fB\-\-access\fR FILENAME Sequencing\-accessible genomic regions, or exons to use as possible targets (e.g. output of refFlat2bed.py) .TP \fB\-t\fR TARGETS, \fB\-\-targets\fR TARGETS Potentially targeted genomic regions, e.g. all possible exons for the reference genome. Format: BED, interval list, etc. .TP \fB\-b\fR BP_PER_BIN, \fB\-\-bp\-per\-bin\fR BP_PER_BIN Desired average number of sequencing read bases mapped to each bin. [Default: 100000.0] .TP \fB\-\-target\-max\-size\fR BASES Maximum size of target bins. [Default: 20000] .TP \fB\-\-target\-min\-size\fR BASES Minimum size of target bins. [Default: 20] .TP \fB\-\-antitarget\-max\-size\fR BASES Maximum size of antitarget bins. [Default: 500000] .TP \fB\-\-antitarget\-min\-size\fR BASES Minimum size of antitarget bins. [Default: 500] .TP \fB\-\-annotate\fR FILENAME Use gene models from this file to assign names to the target regions. Format: UCSC refFlat.txt or ensFlat.txt file (preferred), or BED, interval list, GFF, or similar. .TP \fB\-\-short\-names\fR Reduce multi\-accession bait labels to be short and consistent. .TP \fB\-\-target\-output\-bed\fR FILENAME Filename for target BED output. If not specified, constructed from the input file basename. .TP \fB\-\-antitarget\-output\-bed\fR FILENAME Filename for antitarget BED output. If not specified, constructed from the input file basename.