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CNVKIT_BATCH(1) | User Commands | CNVKIT_BATCH(1) |
cnvkit_batch - Run the complete CNVkit pipeline on one or more BAM files.
usage: cnvkit batch [-h] [-m {hybrid,amplicon,wgs}]
- [--segment-method {cbs,flasso,haar,none,hmm,hmm-tumor,hmm-germline}]
- [-y] [-c] [--drop-low-coverage] [-p [PROCESSES]] [--rscript-path PATH] [-n [FILES ...]] [-f FILENAME] [-t FILENAME] [-a FILENAME] [--annotate FILENAME] [--short-names] [--target-avg-size TARGET_AVG_SIZE] [-g FILENAME] [--antitarget-avg-size ANTITARGET_AVG_SIZE] [--antitarget-min-size ANTITARGET_MIN_SIZE] [--output-reference FILENAME] [--cluster] [-r REFERENCE] [-d DIRECTORY] [--scatter] [--diagram] [bam_files ...]
positional arguments:¶
- bam_files
- Mapped sequence reads (.bam)
- -h, --help
- show this help message and exit
- -m {hybrid,amplicon,wgs}, --seq-method {hybrid,amplicon,wgs}, --method {hybrid,amplicon,wgs}
- Sequencing assay type: hybridization capture ('hybrid'), targeted amplicon sequencing ('amplicon'), or whole genome sequencing ('wgs'). Determines whether and how to use antitarget bins. [Default: hybrid]
- --segment-method {cbs,flasso,haar,none,hmm,hmm-tumor,hmm-germline}
- Method used in the 'segment' step. [Default: cbs]
- -y, --male-reference, --haploid-x-reference
- Use or assume a male reference (i.e. female samples will have +1 log-CNR of chrX; otherwise male samples would have -1 chrX).
- -c, --count-reads
- Get read depths by counting read midpoints within each bin. (An alternative algorithm).
- --drop-low-coverage
- Drop very-low-coverage bins before segmentation to avoid false-positive deletions in poor-quality tumor samples.
- -p [PROCESSES], --processes [PROCESSES]
- Number of subprocesses used to running each of the BAM files in parallel. Without an argument, use the maximum number of available CPUs. [Default: process each BAM in serial]
- --rscript-path PATH
- Path to the Rscript executable to use for running R code. Use this option to specify a non-default R installation. [Default: Rscript]
To construct a new copy number reference:¶
- -n [FILES ...], --normal [FILES ...]
- Normal samples (.bam) used to construct the pooled, paired, or flat reference. If this option is used but no filenames are given, a "flat" reference will be built. Otherwise, all filenames following this option will be used.
- Reference genome, FASTA format (e.g. UCSC hg19.fa)
- -t FILENAME, --targets FILENAME
- Target intervals (.bed or .list)
- -a FILENAME, --antitargets FILENAME
- Antitarget intervals (.bed or .list)
- --annotate FILENAME
- Use gene models from this file to assign names to the target regions. Format: UCSC refFlat.txt or ensFlat.txt file (preferred), or BED, interval list, GFF, or similar.
- --short-names
- Reduce multi-accession bait labels to be short and consistent.
- --target-avg-size TARGET_AVG_SIZE
- Average size of split target bins (results are approximate).
- -g FILENAME, --access FILENAME
- Regions of accessible sequence on chromosomes (.bed), as output by the 'access' command.
- --antitarget-avg-size ANTITARGET_AVG_SIZE
- Average size of antitarget bins (results are approximate).
- --antitarget-min-size ANTITARGET_MIN_SIZE
- Minimum size of antitarget bins (smaller regions are dropped).
- --output-reference FILENAME
- Output filename/path for the new reference file being created. (If given, ignores the -o/--output-dir option and will write the file to the given path. Otherwise, "reference.cnn" will be created in the current directory or specified output directory.)
- --cluster
- Calculate and use cluster-specific summary stats in the reference pool to normalize samples.
To reuse an existing reference:¶
- -r REFERENCE, --reference REFERENCE
- Copy number reference file (.cnn).
Output options:¶
- -d DIRECTORY, --output-dir DIRECTORY
- Output directory.
- --scatter
- Create a whole-genome copy ratio profile as a PDF scatter plot.
- --diagram
- Create an ideogram of copy ratios on chromosomes as a PDF.
September 2022 | cnvkit batch 0.9.9 |