.TH ssh_client_key_api 3erl "ssh 4.15.2" "Ericsson AB" "Erlang Module Definition" .SH NAME ssh_client_key_api \- -behaviour(ssh_client_key_api). .SH DESCRIPTION .LP Behavior describing the API for public key handling of an SSH client\&. By implementing the callbacks defined in this behavior, the public key handling of an SSH client can be customized\&. By default the \fIssh\fR\& application implements this behavior with help of the standard OpenSSH files, see the ssh(7) application manual\&. .SH DATA TYPES .nf \fBclient_key_cb_options(T)\fR\& = .br [{key_cb_private, [T]} | ssh:client_option()] .br .fi .RS .LP Options provided to ssh:connect/[3,4]\&. .LP The option list given in the \fIkey_cb\fR\& option is available with the key \fIkey_cb_private\fR\&\&. .RE .SH EXPORTS .LP .B Module:add_host_key(HostNames, PublicHostKey, ConnectOptions) -> ok | {error, Reason} .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 HostNames = string() .br .RS 2 Description of the host that owns the \fIPublicHostKey\fR\&\&. .RE PublicHostKey = public_key:public_key() .br .RS 2 Of ECDSA keys, only the Normally an RSA, DSA or ECDSA public key, but handling of other public keys can be added\&. .RE ConnectOptions = client_key_cb_options() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP This function is retired in favour for \fIModule:add_host_key/4\fR\& which is the preferred API function\&. The calling SSH application will still try the \fIadd_host_key/3\fR\& if the call to \fIadd_host_key/4\fR\& failed\&. .LP Adds a host key to the set of trusted host keys\&. .RE .LP .B Module:add_host_key(Host, Port, PublicHostKey, ConnectOptions) -> ok | {error, Reason} .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 Host = inet:ip_address() | inet:hostname() | [ inet:ip_address() | inet:hostname() ] .br .RS 2 The host that owns the \fIPublicHostKey\fR\&\&. One or more IP addresses or hostnames\&. .RE Port = inet:port_number() .br .RS 2 The Port number of the Host\&. .RE PublicHostKey = public_key:public_key() .br .RS 2 Of ECDSA keys, only the Normally an RSA, DSA or ECDSA public key, but handling of other public keys can be added\&. .RE ConnectOptions = client_key_cb_options() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Adds a host key to the set of trusted host keys\&. .LP This function is preferred to the old \fIModule:add_host_key/3\fR\& since it also uses the peer host port number and may return an error message\&. .LP The OTP/SSH application first calls this function in the callback module, and then the old \fIModule:add_host_key/3\fR\& for compatibility\&. .RE .LP .B Module:is_host_key(Key, Host, Algorithm, ConnectOptions) -> Result .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 Key = public_key:public_key() .br .RS 2 Normally an RSA, DSA or ECDSA public key, but handling of other public keys can be added\&. .RE Host = string() .br .RS 2 Description of the host\&. .RE Algorithm = ssh:pubkey_alg() .br .RS 2 Host key algorithm\&. .RE ConnectOptions = client_key_cb_options() .br Result = boolean() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP This function is retired in favour for \fIModule:is_host_key/5\fR\& which is the preferred API function\&. The calling SSH application will still try the \fIis_host_key/4\fR\& if the call to \fIis_host_key/5\fR\& failed\&. .LP Checks if a host key is trusted\&. .RE .LP .B Module:is_host_key(Key, Host, Port, Algorithm, ConnectOptions) -> Result .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 Key = public_key:public_key() .br .RS 2 Normally an RSA, DSA or ECDSA public key, but handling of other public keys can be added\&. .RE Host = inet:ip_address() | inet:hostname() | [ inet:ip_address() | inet:hostname() ] .br .RS 2 Description of the host with one or more IP addresses or hostnames\&. .RE Port = inet:port_number() .br .RS 2 The Port number of the host\&. .RE Algorithm = ssh:pubkey_alg() .br .RS 2 Host key algorithm\&. .RE ConnectOptions = client_key_cb_options() .br Result = boolean() | {error, Error::term()} .br .RS 2 The exact error message depends on the actual callback module\&. The Error message makes the connection to fail, and is returned from e\&.g ssh:connect/3\&. .RE .RE .RE .RS .LP Checks if a host key is trusted\&. .LP This function is preferred to the old \fIModule:is_host_key/4\fR\& since it also uses the peer host port number and may return an error message\&. .LP The OTP/SSH application first calls this function in the callback module, and then the old \fIModule:is_host_key/4\fR\& for compatibility\&. .RE .LP .B Module:user_key(Algorithm, ConnectOptions) -> Result .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 Algorithm = ssh:pubkey_alg() .br .RS 2 Host key algorithm\&. .RE ConnectOptions = client_key_cb_options() .br Result = {ok, public_key:private_key()} | {ok, {ssh2_pubkey, PubKeyBlob :: binary()}} | {error, term()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Fetches the users \fIpublic key\fR\& matching the \fIAlgorithm\fR\&\&. Some key callback modules may return \fI{ssh2_pubkey, PubKeyBlob :: binary()}\fR\&\&. .LP .RS -4 .B Note: .RE The private key contains the public key\&. .RE