.TH "PQspecPrepare" 3 2011 "libpqtypes" "libpqtypes Manual"
PQspecPrepare \- Prepares a libpqtypes specifier format string.
\fB#include <libpqtypes.h>
int PQspecPrepare(PGconn *\fIconn\fP, const char *\fIname\fP,
                      const char *\fIformat\fP, int \fIis_stmt\fP);
void PQclearSpecs(PGconn *\fIconn\fP);
PQspecPrepare allows an application to prepare specifier format strings
that will be used frequently.  By preparing a specifier format string,
one avoids the parsing and type handler lookup costs.  This becomes a
significant win when managing large result sets or arrays, where the
specifier format, like "%int4 %text %bytea", must be prepared for each

As with PQregisterXXX, only specifier format strings prepared prior
to the creation of a PGresult or PGparam, will be available for use.  This is
because the prepared type spec is cached within a PGconn object and copied
to all subsequent PGparam and PGresult objects.

Every prepared type spec is given a \fIname\fP, which is used as its unique identifier.
To use a prepared type spec, the \fIname\fP is provided where ever a regular
specifier format string is allowed, like PQputf or PQgetf.  The \fIname\fP must
be proceeded by a \'@\' AT sign.  For more information about the syntax,
see the \fIpqt-specs(3)\fP man page.

The \fIformat\fP argument is the specifier format string being prepared.  When
this is NULL, the \fIname\fP prepared type spec is removed from the PGconn\'s
internal array.

The \fIis_stmt\fP argument indicates if a parementerized statement version of
\fIformat\fP should be cached along with the prepared type spec.  This means
all type specifiers in \fIformat\fP, like "%int4", will be converted to "$1"
syntax.  When is_stmt is non-zero, a statement will created and cached.
For more information on specifer format string to paremterized statements, see
the \fIPQputf(3)\fP man page.  NOTE: to use a prepared type spec with
execution functions like PQexecf, \fIis_stmt\fP must be set to non-zero.

PQclearSpecs removes all prepared specifiers from the given PGconn, as
opposed to removing them one by one by setting PQspecPrepare's format
argument to NULL.  A good use for this is after a PQresetXXX call when it
might be desired to re-prepare all type specifiers.

Functions that support the use of a prepared type spec are: \fIPQputf\fP,
\fIPQputvf\fP, \fIPQgetf\fP, \fIPQgetvf\fP, \fIPQexecf\fP, \fIPQexecvf\fP,
\fIPQsendf\fP, \fIPQsendvf\fP, \fIPQparamExec\fP, \fIPQparamSendQuery\fP.

\fBHINT:\fP A good rule of thumb for using prepared type specs, is when there
are a large number of PQputf/PQgetf calls per statement execution.  This
commonly occurs when dealing with large result sets and arrays.
PQspecPrepare and PQclearSpecs return a nonzero value on success and
zero if it fails.  Use PQgeterror() to get an error message.
This example prepares a type spec and issues some PQputf calls.
\fBint i;
PQparam *param;

if(!PQspecPrepare(conn, "prepared_spec", "%int4 %text", 0))
	fprintf(stderr, "PQspecPrepare: %s\n", PQgeterror());

/* create after preparing spec */
param = PQparamCreate(conn);

for(i=0; i < 100000; i++)
	/* NOTE: nothing else can be in format string */
	PQputf(param, "@prepared_spec", 4, "text");

/* This elects to prepare a statement as well.  After this returns,
 * "SELECT myfunc($1, $2)" will be cached along with the prepared spec.
PQspecPrepare(conn, "myfunc", "SELECT myfunc(%int4, %text)", 1);

/* "myfunc" tells execf to execute "SELECT myfunc($1, $2)".  If is_stmt
 * was set to zero during the PQspecPrepare, the below would be invalid
 * because execf doesn't know what to execute.
PQexecf(conn, "@myfunc", 123, "text");

/* clear'm all */
A contribution of eSilo, LLC. for the PostgreSQL Database Management System.
Written by Andrew Chernow.
Report bugs to <libpqtypes@esilo.com>.
Copyright (c) 2011 eSilo, LLC. All rights reserved.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or  FITNESS
\fIpqt-specs(3)\fP, \fIPQgetf(3)\fP, \fIPQputf(3)\fP.