.TH "avr_eeprom" 3avr "Fri Jan 7 2022" "Version 2.0.0" "avr-libc" \" -*- nroff -*- .ad l .nh .SH NAME avr_eeprom \- <avr/eeprom\&.h>: EEPROM handling .SH SYNOPSIS .br .PP .SS "Macros" .in +1c .ti -1c .RI "#define \fBEEMEM\fP \fB__attribute__\fP((section('\&.eeprom')))" .br .ti -1c .RI "#define \fBeeprom_is_ready\fP()" .br .ti -1c .RI "#define \fBeeprom_busy_wait\fP() do {} while (!\fBeeprom_is_ready\fP())" .br .in -1c .SS "Functions" .in +1c .ti -1c .RI "\fBuint8_t\fP \fBeeprom_read_byte\fP (const \fBuint8_t\fP *__p) __ATTR_PURE__" .br .ti -1c .RI "\fBuint16_t\fP \fBeeprom_read_word\fP (const \fBuint16_t\fP *__p) __ATTR_PURE__" .br .ti -1c .RI "\fBuint32_t\fP \fBeeprom_read_dword\fP (const \fBuint32_t\fP *__p) __ATTR_PURE__" .br .ti -1c .RI "float \fBeeprom_read_float\fP (const float *__p) __ATTR_PURE__" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fBeeprom_read_block\fP (void *__dst, const void *__src, size_t __n)" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fBeeprom_write_byte\fP (\fBuint8_t\fP *__p, \fBuint8_t\fP __value)" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fBeeprom_write_word\fP (\fBuint16_t\fP *__p, \fBuint16_t\fP __value)" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fBeeprom_write_dword\fP (\fBuint32_t\fP *__p, \fBuint32_t\fP __value)" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fBeeprom_write_float\fP (float *__p, float __value)" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fBeeprom_write_block\fP (const void *__src, void *__dst, size_t __n)" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fBeeprom_update_byte\fP (\fBuint8_t\fP *__p, \fBuint8_t\fP __value)" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fBeeprom_update_word\fP (\fBuint16_t\fP *__p, \fBuint16_t\fP __value)" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fBeeprom_update_dword\fP (\fBuint32_t\fP *__p, \fBuint32_t\fP __value)" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fBeeprom_update_float\fP (float *__p, float __value)" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fBeeprom_update_block\fP (const void *__src, void *__dst, size_t __n)" .br .in -1c .SS "IAR C compatibility defines" .in +1c .ti -1c .RI "#define \fB_EEPUT\fP(addr, val) \fBeeprom_write_byte\fP ((\fBuint8_t\fP *)(addr), (\fBuint8_t\fP)(val))" .br .ti -1c .RI "#define \fB__EEPUT\fP(addr, val) \fBeeprom_write_byte\fP ((\fBuint8_t\fP *)(addr), (\fBuint8_t\fP)(val))" .br .ti -1c .RI "#define \fB_EEGET\fP(var, addr) (var) = \fBeeprom_read_byte\fP ((const \fBuint8_t\fP *)(addr))" .br .ti -1c .RI "#define \fB__EEGET\fP(var, addr) (var) = \fBeeprom_read_byte\fP ((const \fBuint8_t\fP *)(addr))" .br .in -1c .SH "Detailed Description" .PP .PP .nf #include <avr/eeprom\&.h> .fi .PP .PP This header file declares the interface to some simple library routines suitable for handling the data EEPROM contained in the AVR microcontrollers\&. The implementation uses a simple polled mode interface\&. Applications that require interrupt-controlled EEPROM access to ensure that no time will be wasted in spinloops will have to deploy their own implementation\&. .PP \fBNotes:\fP .RS 4 .RE .PP .IP "\(bu" 2 In addition to the write functions there is a set of update ones\&. This functions read each byte first and skip the burning if the old value is the same with new\&. The scaning direction is from high address to low, to obtain quick return in common cases\&. .IP "\(bu" 2 All of the read/write functions first make sure the EEPROM is ready to be accessed\&. Since this may cause long delays if a write operation is still pending, time-critical applications should first poll the EEPROM e\&. g\&. using \fBeeprom_is_ready()\fP before attempting any actual I/O\&. But this functions are not wait until SELFPRGEN in SPMCSR becomes zero\&. Do this manually, if your softwate contains the Flash burning\&. .IP "\(bu" 2 As these functions modify IO registers, they are known to be non-reentrant\&. If any of these functions are used from both, standard and interrupt context, the applications must ensure proper protection (e\&.g\&. by disabling interrupts before accessing them)\&. .IP "\(bu" 2 All write functions force erase_and_write programming mode\&. .IP "\(bu" 2 For Xmega the EEPROM start address is 0, like other architectures\&. The reading functions add the 0x2000 value to use EEPROM mapping into data space\&. .PP .SH "Macro Definition Documentation" .PP .SS "#define __EEGET(var, addr) (var) = \fBeeprom_read_byte\fP ((const \fBuint8_t\fP *)(addr))" Read a byte from EEPROM\&. Compatibility define for IAR C\&. .SS "#define __EEPUT(addr, val) \fBeeprom_write_byte\fP ((\fBuint8_t\fP *)(addr), (\fBuint8_t\fP)(val))" Write a byte to EEPROM\&. Compatibility define for IAR C\&. .SS "#define _EEGET(var, addr) (var) = \fBeeprom_read_byte\fP ((const \fBuint8_t\fP *)(addr))" Read a byte from EEPROM\&. Compatibility define for IAR C\&. .SS "#define _EEPUT(addr, val) \fBeeprom_write_byte\fP ((\fBuint8_t\fP *)(addr), (\fBuint8_t\fP)(val))" Write a byte to EEPROM\&. Compatibility define for IAR C\&. .SS "#define EEMEM \fB__attribute__\fP((section('\&.eeprom')))" Attribute expression causing a variable to be allocated within the \&.eeprom section\&. .SS "#define eeprom_busy_wait() do {} while (!\fBeeprom_is_ready\fP())" Loops until the eeprom is no longer busy\&. .PP \fBReturns\fP .RS 4 Nothing\&. .RE .PP .SS "#define eeprom_is_ready()" .PP \fBReturns\fP .RS 4 1 if EEPROM is ready for a new read/write operation, 0 if not\&. .RE .PP .SH "Function Documentation" .PP .SS "void eeprom_read_block (void * __dst, const void * __src, size_t __n)" Read a block of \fI__n\fP bytes from EEPROM address \fI__src\fP to SRAM \fI__dst\fP\&. .SS "\fBuint8_t\fP eeprom_read_byte (const \fBuint8_t\fP * __p)" Read one byte from EEPROM address \fI__p\fP\&. .SS "\fBuint32_t\fP eeprom_read_dword (const \fBuint32_t\fP * __p)" Read one 32-bit double word (little endian) from EEPROM address \fI__p\fP\&. .SS "float eeprom_read_float (const float * __p)" Read one float value (little endian) from EEPROM address \fI__p\fP\&. .SS "\fBuint16_t\fP eeprom_read_word (const \fBuint16_t\fP * __p)" Read one 16-bit word (little endian) from EEPROM address \fI__p\fP\&. .SS "void eeprom_update_block (const void * __src, void * __dst, size_t __n)" Update a block of \fI__n\fP bytes to EEPROM address \fI__dst\fP from \fI__src\fP\&. .PP \fBNote\fP .RS 4 The argument order is mismatch with common functions like \fBstrcpy()\fP\&. .RE .PP .SS "void eeprom_update_byte (\fBuint8_t\fP * __p, \fBuint8_t\fP __value)" Update a byte \fI__value\fP to EEPROM address \fI__p\fP\&. .SS "void eeprom_update_dword (\fBuint32_t\fP * __p, \fBuint32_t\fP __value)" Update a 32-bit double word \fI__value\fP to EEPROM address \fI__p\fP\&. .SS "void eeprom_update_float (float * __p, float __value)" Update a float \fI__value\fP to EEPROM address \fI__p\fP\&. .SS "void eeprom_update_word (\fBuint16_t\fP * __p, \fBuint16_t\fP __value)" Update a word \fI__value\fP to EEPROM address \fI__p\fP\&. .SS "void eeprom_write_block (const void * __src, void * __dst, size_t __n)" Write a block of \fI__n\fP bytes to EEPROM address \fI__dst\fP from \fI__src\fP\&. .PP \fBNote\fP .RS 4 The argument order is mismatch with common functions like \fBstrcpy()\fP\&. .RE .PP .SS "void eeprom_write_byte (\fBuint8_t\fP * __p, \fBuint8_t\fP __value)" Write a byte \fI__value\fP to EEPROM address \fI__p\fP\&. .SS "void eeprom_write_dword (\fBuint32_t\fP * __p, \fBuint32_t\fP __value)" Write a 32-bit double word \fI__value\fP to EEPROM address \fI__p\fP\&. .SS "void eeprom_write_float (float * __p, float __value)" Write a float \fI__value\fP to EEPROM address \fI__p\fP\&. .SS "void eeprom_write_word (\fBuint16_t\fP * __p, \fBuint16_t\fP __value)" Write a word \fI__value\fP to EEPROM address \fI__p\fP\&. .SH "Author" .PP Generated automatically by Doxygen for avr-libc from the source code\&.