C++Intro - Introduction to the GNU libstdc++ man pages
This man page serves as a brief introduction to the GNU implementation of the
Standard C++ Library. For a better introduction and more complete
documentation, see the libstdc++ homepage listed at the end.
All standard library entities are declared within namespace
std and have manual entries beginning with "std::". For
example, to see documentation of the template class std::vector one
would use "man std::vector". Some entities do not have a separate
man page; for those see the main listing in "man
All the man pages are automatically generated by Doxygen. For more
information on this tool, see the HTML counterpart to these man pages.
Some man pages do not correspond to individual classes or
functions. Rather they describe categories of the Standard Library. (For a
more thorough introduction to the various categories, consult a text such as
Josuttis' or Austern's.) These category pages are:
C++Intro |
This page. |
Namespace_std |
A listing of the contents of std::. |
Namespace___gnu_cxx |
A listing of the contents of __gnu_cxx::. |
Containers |
An introduction to container classes. |
Sequences |
Linear containers. |
Assoc_containers |
Key-based containers. |
Iterator_types |
Programatically distinguishing iterators/pointers. |
Intro_functors |
An introduction to function objects, or functors. |
Arithmetic_functors |
Functors for basic math. |
Binder_functors |
Functors which "remember" an argument. |
Comparison_functors |
Functors wrapping built-in comparisons. |
Func_ptr_functors |
Functors for use with pointers to functions. |
Logical_functors |
Functors wrapping the Boolean operations. |
Member_ptr_functor |
Functors for use with pointers to members. |
Negation_functors |
Functors which negate their contents. |
SGIextensions |
A list of the extensions from the SGI STL subset. |
The HTML documentation typically goes into much more depth.
Standard Headers¶
These headers will be found automatically, unless you instruct the compiler
<algorithm> <csignal> <iomanip> <ostream> |
<bitset> <cstdarg> <ios> <queue> |
<cassert> <cstddef> <iosfwd> <set> |
<cctype> <cstdio> <iostream> <sstream> |
<cerrno> <cstdlib> <istream> <stack> |
<cfloat> <cstring> <iterator> <stdexcept> |
<ciso>646 <ctime> <limits> <streambuf> |
<climits> <cwchar> <list> <string> |
<clocale> <cwctype> <locale> <utility> |
<cmath> <deque> <map> <valarray> |
<complex> <fstream> <memory> <vector> |
<csetjmp> <functional> <numeric> |
For GCC 3.0 these headers will be found automatically, unless you instruct the
compiler otherwise. You should not depend on this, instead you should read FAQ
5.4 and use a backward/ prefix.
These headers will only be found automatically if you include the leading
ext/ in the name. Otherwise you need to read FAQ 5.4.
<ext/algorithm> <ext/numeric> |
<ext/functional> <ext/iterator> |
<ext/slist> <ext/rb_tree> |
<ext/rope> <ext/memory> |
<ext/bitmap_allocator.h> <ext/debug_allocator.h> |
<ext/malloc_allocator.h> <ext/mt_allocator.h> |
<ext/pool_allocator.h> <ext/pod_char_traits.h> |
<ext/stdio_filebuf.h> <ext/stdio_sync_filebuf.h> |
- libstdc++.a
- The library implementation in static archive form. If you did not
configure libstdc++ to use shared libraries, this will always be used.
Otherwise it will only be used if the user requests it.
- libsupc++.a
- This library contains C++ language support routines. Usually you will
never need to know about it, but it can be useful. See FAQ 2.5.
- The library implementation in shared object form. This will be used in
preference to the static archive form by default. N will be a number equal
to or greater than 3. If N is in the 2.x series, then you are looking at
the old libstdc++-v2 library, which we do not maintain.
- These are Libtool library files, and should only be used when working with
that tool.
Almost conforming to International Standard ISO/IEC 14882:1998(E),
Programming Languages --- C++ (aka the C++ standard), in addition
to corrections proposed by the Library Working Group,