'\"! tbl | mmdoc '\"macro stdmacro .ie n \{\ . ds Cr \fB . ds Cb \fB .\} .el \{\ . ds Cr \f7 . ds Cb \f8 .\} .TH SoTransformBoxManip(3IV) .SH NAME SoTransformBoxManip \(em transform node with 3D interface for changing scaling, rotation, and translation .SH INHERITS FROM SoBase > SoFieldContainer > SoNode > SoTransformation > SoTransform > SoTransformManip > SoTransformBoxManip .SH SYNOPSIS .ps -1 \*(Cr#include <Inventor/manips/SoTransformBoxManip.h> .sp .in 1i \f1Fields from class SoTransform: .in 0.5i .sp .ta 20m .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(CrSoSFVec3f .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(Cbtranslation .br .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(CrSoSFRotation .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(Cbrotation .br .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(CrSoSFVec3f .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(CbscaleFactor .br .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(CrSoSFRotation .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(CbscaleOrientation .br .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(CrSoSFVec3f .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(Cbcenter .sp .in 1i \f1Methods from class SoTransformBoxManip: .in 0.5i .sp .ta 20m .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(Cr .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(CbSoTransformBoxManip\*(Cr() .br .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(Crstatic SoType .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(CbgetClassTypeId\*(Cr() .sp .in 1i \f1Methods from class SoTransformManip: .in 0.5i .sp .ta 20m .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(CrSoDragger * .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(CbgetDragger\*(Cr() .br .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(CrSbBool .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(CbreplaceNode\*(Cr(SoPath *p ) .br .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(CrSbBool .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(CbreplaceManip\*(Cr(SoPath *p, SoTransform *newOne ) const .sp .in 1i \f1Methods from class SoTransform: .in 0.5i .sp .ta 20m .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(Crvoid .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(CbpointAt\*(Cr(const SbVec3f &fromPoint, const SbVec3f &toPoint) .br .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(Crvoid .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(CbgetScaleSpaceMatrix\*(Cr(SbMatrix &mat, SbMatrix &inv) const .br .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(Crvoid .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(CbgetRotationSpaceMatrix\*(Cr(SbMatrix &mat, SbMatrix &inv) const .br .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(Crvoid .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(CbgetTranslationSpaceMatrix\*(Cr(SbMatrix &mat, SbMatrix &inv) const .br .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(Crvoid .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(CbmultLeft\*(Cr(const SbMatrix &mat) .br .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(Crvoid .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(CbmultRight\*(Cr(const SbMatrix &mat) .br .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(Crvoid .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(CbcombineLeft\*(Cr(SoTransformation *nodeOnRight) .br .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(Crvoid .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(CbcombineRight\*(Cr(SoTransformation *nodeOnLeft) .br .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(Crvoid .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(CbsetMatrix\*(Cr(const SbMatrix &mat) .br .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(Crvoid .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(Cbrecenter\*(Cr(const SbVec3f &newCenter) .sp .in 1i \f1Methods from class SoNode: .in 0.5i .sp .ta 20m .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(Crvoid .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(CbsetOverride\*(Cr(SbBool state) .br .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(CrSbBool .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(CbisOverride\*(Cr() const .br .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(CrSoNode * .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(Cbcopy\*(Cr(SbBool copyConnections = FALSE) const .br .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(Crvirtual SbBool .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(CbaffectsState\*(Cr() const .br .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(Crstatic SoNode * .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(CbgetByName\*(Cr(const SbName &name) .br .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(Crstatic int .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(CbgetByName\*(Cr(const SbName &name, SoNodeList &list) .sp .in 1i \f1Methods from class SoFieldContainer: .in 0.5i .sp .ta 20m .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(Crvoid .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(CbsetToDefaults\*(Cr() .br .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(CrSbBool .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(CbhasDefaultValues\*(Cr() const .br .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(CrSbBool .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(CbfieldsAreEqual\*(Cr(const SoFieldContainer *fc) const .br .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(Crvoid .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(CbcopyFieldValues\*(Cr(const SoFieldContainer *fc, SbBool copyConnections = FALSE) .br .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(CrSbBool .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(Cbset\*(Cr(const char *fieldDataString) .br .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(Crvoid .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(Cbget\*(Cr(SbString &fieldDataString) .br .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(Crvirtual int .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(CbgetFields\*(Cr(SoFieldList &resultList) const .br .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(Crvirtual SoField * .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(CbgetField\*(Cr(const SbName &fieldName) const .br .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(CrSbBool .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(CbgetFieldName\*(Cr(const SoField *field, SbName &fieldName) const .br .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(CrSbBool .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(CbisNotifyEnabled\*(Cr() const .br .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(CrSbBool .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(CbenableNotify\*(Cr(SbBool flag) .sp .in 1i \f1Methods from class SoBase: .in 0.5i .sp .ta 20m .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(Crvoid .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(Cbref\*(Cr() .br .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(Crvoid .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(Cbunref\*(Cr() const .br .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(Crvoid .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(CbunrefNoDelete\*(Cr() const .br .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(Crvoid .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(Cbtouch\*(Cr() .br .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(Crvirtual SoType .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(CbgetTypeId\*(Cr() const .br .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(CrSbBool .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(CbisOfType\*(Cr(SoType type) const .br .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(Crvirtual void .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(CbsetName\*(Cr(const SbName &name) .br .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(Crvirtual SbName .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(CbgetName\*(Cr() const .sp .SH DESCRIPTION \*(CbSoTransformBoxManip\f1 is derived from \*(CbSoTransform\f1 (by way of \*(CbSoTransformManip\f1). When its fields change, nodes following it in the scene graph rotate, scale, and/or translate. .sp As a subclass of \*(CbSoTransformManip\f1, this manipulator also has a 3D interface to edit some \&of its fields. In this case, the interface edits the \*(CbscaleFactor\f1, \*(Cbrotation\f1 and \*(Cbtranslation\f1 fields. .sp A manipulator differs from a dragger. When you move a dragger, no other nodes are affected. When you move an \*(CbSoTransformManip\f1, other nodes move along \&with it. (See the reference page for \*(CbSoTransformManip\f1). .sp The interface for an \*(CbSoTransformBoxManip\f1 is exactly the same as that of the \*(CbSoTransformBoxDragger\f1. To find out more about the interface, see the reference page for \*(CbSoTransformBoxDragger\f1. To find out how the manipulator \&uses a dragger to provide its interface, see the reference page for \*(CbSoTransformManip\f1. .sp On screen, this manipulator will surround the objects influenced by its motion. This is because it turns on the \f2surroundScale\f1 part of the dragger \&(See the reference page for \*(CbSoSurroundScale\f1) .SH METHODS .ta 20m .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(Cr .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(CbSoTransformBoxManip\*(Cr() .br .in 1i \f1Constructor. .sp .in 0.5i .in 1i+20n .ti 0.5i .ta 20m .ds Pt \*(Crstatic SoType .ie \w'\*(Pt'>=20n \{\ .ne 3 \*(Pt .ti 0.5i \c\ \} .el\{\ .ne 2 \*(Pt \c\ \} \*(CbgetClassTypeId\*(Cr() .br .in 1i \f1Returns type identifier for this class. .sp .in 0.5i .SH FILE FORMAT/DEFAULTS .nf \*(CrTransformBoxManip { .in 1i .ta 18m translation 0 0 0 rotation 0 0 1 0 scaleFactor 1 1 1 scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0 center 0 0 0 .in 0.5i } .SH SEE ALSO \*(CbSoCenterballManip, SoHandleBoxManip, SoJackManip, SoTabBoxManip, SoTrackballManip, SoTransform, SoTransformBoxDragger, SoTransformerManip, SoTransformManip