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MELI-THEMES(5) File Formats Manual MELI-THEMES(5)


meli-themesthemes for the meli(1) terminal e-mail client


meli comes with two themes, dark (default) and light.

Custom themes are defined as lists of key-values in the configuration files:

  • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/meli/config.toml
  • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/meli/themes/*.toml

The application theme is defined in the configuration as follows:

theme = "dark"


Themes for meli are described in the configuration language TOML, as they are key-value tables defined in the TERMINAL section of the configuration file. Each key defines the semantic location of the theme attribute within the application. For example, mail.listing.compact.* keys are settings for the compact mail listing style. A setting contains three fields: fg for foreground color, bg for background color, and attrs for text attribute.

"widget.key.label" = { fg = "Default", bg = "Default", attrs = "Default" }

Each field contains a value, which may be either a color/attribute, a link (key name) or a valid alias. An alias is a string starting with the "$" character and must be declared in advance in the color_aliases or attr_aliases fields of a theme. An alias' value can be any valid value, including links and other aliases, as long as they are valid. In the case of a link the setting's real value depends on the value of the referred key. This allows for defaults within a group of associated values. Cyclic references in a theme results in an error:

spooky theme contains a cycle: fg: mail.listing.compact.even -> mail.listing.compact.highlighted -> mail.listing.compact.odd -> mail.listing.compact.even

Two themes are included by default, ‘light’ and ‘dark’.


Specific settings from already defined themes can be overwritten:

theme = "dark"

"mail.sidebar_highlighted_account" = { bg = "#ff4529" }
"mail.listing.attachment_flag" = { fg = "#ff4529" }
"mail.view.headers" = { fg = "30" }
"mail.view.body" = {fg = "HotPink3", bg = "LightSalmon1"}
# Linked value keys can be whatever key:
"mail.listing.compact.even_unseen" = { bg = "mail.sidebar_highlighted_account" }
# Linked color value keys can optionally refer to another field:
"mail.listing.compact.odd_unseen" = { bg = "mail.sidebar_highlighted_account.fg" }

# define new theme. Undefined settings will inherit from the default "dark" theme.
color_aliases= { "Jebediah" = "#b4da55" }
"mail.listing.tag_default" = { fg = "$Jebediah" }
"mail.view.headers" = { fg = "White", bg = "Black" }


Custom themes can be included in your configuration files or be saved independently in your $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/meli/themes/ directory as TOML files. To start creating a theme right away, you can begin by editing the default theme keys and values:

meli print-default-theme > ~/.config/meli/themes/new_theme.toml

new_theme.toml will now include all keys and values of the "dark" theme.

meli print-loaded-themes

will print all loaded themes with the links resolved.



  • "Default"
  • "Bold"
  • "Dim"
  • "Italics"
  • "Underline"
  • "Undercurl"
  • "Blink"
  • "Reverse"
  • "Hidden"
  • Any combo of the above separated by a bitwise XOR "|" eg "Dim | Italics"


Color values are of type String with the following valid contents:

  • "Default" is the terminal default. (Case-sensitive)
  • Hex triplet e.g. #FFFFFF for RGB colors. Three character shorthand is also valid, e.g. #09c → #0099cc (Case-insensitive)
  • 0-255 byte for 256 colors.
  • xterm(1) name but with some modifications (for a full table see COLOR NAMES addendum) (Case-sensitive)


To completely disable ANSI colors, there are two options:

  • Set the use_color option (section terminal) to false, which is true by default.
  • The NO_COLOR environmental variable, when present (regardless of its value), prevents the addition of ANSI color. When the configuration value use_color is explicitly set to true by the user, NO_COLOR is ignored.

In this mode, cursor locations (i.e., currently selected entries/items) will use the ‘reverse videoANSI attribute to invert the terminal's default foreground/background colors.


  • theme_default
  • error_message
  • highlight
  • status.command_bar
  • status.history
  • status.history.hints
  • status.notification
  • tab.focused
  • tab.unfocused
  • widgets.list.header
  • widgets.form.label
  • widgets.form.field
  • widgets.form.highlighted
  • widgets.options.highlighted
  • mail.sidebar
  • mail.sidebar_divider
  • mail.sidebar_unread_count
  • mail.sidebar_index
  • mail.sidebar_highlighted
  • mail.sidebar_highlighted_unread_count
  • mail.sidebar_highlighted_index
  • mail.sidebar_highlighted_account
  • mail.sidebar_highlighted_account_unread_count
  • mail.sidebar_highlighted_account_index
  • mail.listing.compact.even
  • mail.listing.compact.odd
  • mail.listing.compact.even_unseen
  • mail.listing.compact.odd_unseen
  • mail.listing.compact.even_selected
  • mail.listing.compact.odd_selected
  • mail.listing.compact.even_highlighted
  • mail.listing.compact.odd_highlighted
  • mail.listing.compact.even_highlighted_selected
  • mail.listing.compact.odd_highlighted_selected
  • mail.listing.plain.even
  • mail.listing.plain.odd
  • mail.listing.plain.even_unseen
  • mail.listing.plain.odd_unseen
  • mail.listing.plain.even_selected
  • mail.listing.plain.odd_selected
  • mail.listing.plain.even_highlighted
  • mail.listing.plain.odd_highlighted
  • mail.listing.plain.even_highlighted_selected
  • mail.listing.plain.odd_highlighted_selected
  • mail.listing.conversations
  • mail.listing.conversations.subject
  • mail.listing.conversations.from
  • mail.listing.conversations.unseen
  • mail.listing.conversations.highlighted
  • mail.listing.conversations.selected
  • mail.listing.conversations.highlighted_selected
  • mail.view.headers
  • mail.view.headers_names
  • mail.view.headers_area
  • mail.view.body
  • mail.view.thread.indentation.a
  • mail.view.thread.indentation.b
  • mail.view.thread.indentation.c
  • mail.view.thread.indentation.d
  • mail.view.thread.indentation.e
  • mail.view.thread.indentation.f
  • mail.listing.attachment_flag
  • mail.listing.thread_snooze_flag
  • mail.listing.tag_default
  • pager.highlight_search
  • pager.highlight_search_current


name ↓ byte
name byte ↓
Aqua 14
Black 0
Aquamarine1 122
Maroon 1
Aquamarine2 86
Green 2
Aquamarine3 79
Olive 3
Black 0
Navy 4
Blue 12
Purple1 5
Blue1 21
Teal 6
Blue2 19
Silver 7
Blue3 20
Grey 8
BlueViolet 57
Red 9
CadetBlue 72
Lime 10
CadetBlue1 73
Yellow 11
Chartreuse1 118
Blue 12
Chartreuse2 112
Fuchsia 13
Chartreuse3 82
Aqua 14
Chartreuse4 70
White 15
Chartreuse5 76
Grey0 16
Chartreuse6 64
NavyBlue 17
CornflowerBlue 69
DarkBlue 18
Cornsilk1 230
Blue2 19
Cyan1 51
Blue3 20
Cyan2 50
Blue1 21
Cyan3 43
DarkGreen 22
DarkBlue 18
DeepSkyBlue5 23
DarkCyan 36
DeepSkyBlue6 24
DarkGoldenrod 136
DeepSkyBlue7 25
DarkGreen 22
DodgerBlue3 26
DarkKhaki 143
DodgerBlue2 27
DarkMagenta 90
Green4 28
DarkMagenta1 91
SpringGreen6 29
name ↓ byte
name byte ↓
DarkOliveGreen1 192
Turquoise4 30
DarkOliveGreen2 155
DeepSkyBlue3 31
DarkOliveGreen3 191
DeepSkyBlue4 32
DarkOliveGreen4 107
DodgerBlue1 33
DarkOliveGreen5 113
Green2 34
DarkOliveGreen6 149
SpringGreen4 35
DarkOrange 208
DarkCyan 36
DarkOrange2 130
LightSeaGreen 37
DarkOrange3 166
DeepSkyBlue2 38
DarkRed 52
DeepSkyBlue1 39
DarkRed2 88
Green3 40
DarkSeaGreen 108
SpringGreen5 41
DarkSeaGreen1 158
SpringGreen2 42
DarkSeaGreen2 193
Cyan3 43
DarkSeaGreen3 151
DarkTurquoise 44
DarkSeaGreen4 157
Turquoise2 45
DarkSeaGreen5 115
Green1 46
DarkSeaGreen6 150
SpringGreen3 47
DarkSeaGreen7 65
SpringGreen1 48
DarkSeaGreen8 71
MediumSpringGreen 49
DarkSlateGray1 123
Cyan2 50
DarkSlateGray2 87
Cyan1 51
DarkSlateGray3 116
DarkRed 52
DarkTurquoise 44
DeepPink8 53
DarkViolet 128
Purple4 54
DarkViolet1 92
Purple5 55
DeepPink1 199
Purple3 56
DeepPink2 197
BlueViolet 57
DeepPink3 198
Orange3 58
DeepPink4 125
Grey37 59
name ↓ byte
name byte ↓
DeepPink6 162
MediumPurple6 60
DeepPink7 89
SlateBlue2 61
DeepPink8 53
SlateBlue3 62
DeepPink9 161
RoyalBlue1 63
DeepSkyBlue1 39
Chartreuse6 64
DeepSkyBlue2 38
DarkSeaGreen7 65
DeepSkyBlue3 31
PaleTurquoise4 66
DeepSkyBlue4 32
SteelBlue 67
DeepSkyBlue5 23
SteelBlue3 68
DeepSkyBlue6 24
CornflowerBlue 69
DeepSkyBlue7 25
Chartreuse4 70
DodgerBlue1 33
DarkSeaGreen8 71
DodgerBlue2 27
CadetBlue 72
DodgerBlue3 26
CadetBlue1 73
Fuchsia 13
SkyBlue3 74
Gold1 220
SteelBlue1 75
Gold2 142
Chartreuse5 76
Gold3 178
PaleGreen4 77
Green 2
SeaGreen4 78
Green1 46
Aquamarine3 79
Green2 34
MediumTurquoise 80
Green3 40
SteelBlue2 81
Green4 28
Chartreuse3 82
GreenYellow 154
SeaGreen3 83
Grey 8
SeaGreen1 84
Grey0 16
SeaGreen2 85
Grey100 231
Aquamarine2 86
Grey11 234
DarkSlateGray2 87
Grey15 235
DarkRed2 88
Grey19 236
DeepPink7 89
name ↓ byte
name byte ↓
Grey23 237
DarkMagenta 90
Grey27 238
DarkMagenta1 91
Grey3 232
DarkViolet1 92
Grey30 239
Purple2 93
Grey35 240
Orange4 94
Grey37 59
LightPink3 95
Grey39 241
Plum4 96
Grey42 242
MediumPurple4 97
Grey46 243
MediumPurple5 98
Grey50 244
SlateBlue1 99
Grey53 102
Yellow4 100
Grey54 245
Wheat4 101
Grey58 246
Grey53 102
Grey62 247
LightSlateGrey 103
Grey63 139
MediumPurple 104
Grey66 248
LightSlateBlue 105
Grey69 145
Yellow5 106
Grey7 233
DarkOliveGreen4 107
Grey70 249
DarkSeaGreen 108
Grey74 250
LightSkyBlue2 109
Grey78 251
LightSkyBlue3 110
Grey82 252
SkyBlue2 111
Grey84 188
Chartreuse2 112
Grey85 253
DarkOliveGreen5 113
Grey89 254
PaleGreen3 114
Grey93 255
DarkSeaGreen5 115
Honeydew2 194
DarkSlateGray3 116
HotPink 205
SkyBlue1 117
HotPink1 206
Chartreuse1 118
HotPink2 169
LightGreen 119
name ↓ byte
name byte ↓
HotPink3 132
LightGreen1 120
HotPink4 168
PaleGreen1 121
IndianRed 131
Aquamarine1 122
IndianRed1 167
DarkSlateGray1 123
IndianRed2 204
Red2 124
IndianRed3 203
DeepPink4 125
Khaki1 228
MediumVioletRed 126
Khaki3 185
Magenta4 127
LightCoral 210
DarkViolet 128
LightCyan2 195
Purple 129
LightCyan3 152
DarkOrange2 130
LightGoldenrod1 227
IndianRed 131
LightGoldenrod2 222
HotPink3 132
LightGoldenrod3 179
MediumOrchid3 133
LightGoldenrod4 221
MediumOrchid 134
LightGoldenrod5 186
MediumPurple2 135
LightGreen 119
DarkGoldenrod 136
LightGreen1 120
LightSalmon2 137
LightPink1 217
RosyBrown 138
LightPink2 174
Grey63 139
LightPink3 95
MediumPurple3 140
LightSalmon1 216
MediumPurple1 141
LightSalmon2 137
Gold2 142
LightSalmon3 173
DarkKhaki 143
LightSeaGreen 37
NavajoWhite3 144
LightSkyBlue1 153
Grey69 145
LightSkyBlue2 109
LightSteelBlue3 146
LightSkyBlue3 110
LightSteelBlue 147
LightSlateBlue 105
Yellow6 148
LightSlateGrey 103
DarkOliveGreen6 149
name ↓ byte
name byte ↓
LightSteelBlue 147
DarkSeaGreen6 150
LightSteelBlue1 189
DarkSeaGreen3 151
LightSteelBlue3 146
LightCyan3 152
LightYellow3 187
LightSkyBlue1 153
Lime 10
GreenYellow 154
Magenta1 201
DarkOliveGreen2 155
Magenta2 165
PaleGreen2 156
Magenta3 200
DarkSeaGreen4 157
Magenta4 127
DarkSeaGreen1 158
Magenta5 163
PaleTurquoise1 159
Magenta6 164
Red3 160
Maroon 1
DeepPink9 161
MediumOrchid 134
DeepPink6 162
MediumOrchid1 171
Magenta5 163
MediumOrchid2 207
Magenta6 164
MediumOrchid3 133
Magenta2 165
MediumPurple 104
DarkOrange3 166
MediumPurple1 141
IndianRed1 167
MediumPurple2 135
HotPink4 168
MediumPurple3 140
HotPink2 169
MediumPurple4 97
Orchid 170
MediumPurple5 98
MediumOrchid1 171
MediumPurple6 60
Orange2 172
MediumSpringGreen 49
LightSalmon3 173
MediumTurquoise 80
LightPink2 174
MediumVioletRed 126
Pink3 175
MistyRose1 224
Plum3 176
MistyRose3 181
Violet 177
NavajoWhite1 223
Gold3 178
NavajoWhite3 144
LightGoldenrod3 179
name ↓ byte
name byte ↓
Navy 4
Tan 180
NavyBlue 17
MistyRose3 181
Olive 3
Thistle3 182
Orange1 214
Plum2 183
Orange2 172
Yellow3 184
Orange3 58
Khaki3 185
Orange4 94
LightGoldenrod5 186
OrangeRed1 202
LightYellow3 187
Orchid 170
Grey84 188
Orchid1 213
LightSteelBlue1 189
Orchid2 212
Yellow2 190
PaleGreen1 121
DarkOliveGreen3 191
PaleGreen2 156
DarkOliveGreen1 192
PaleGreen3 114
DarkSeaGreen2 193
PaleGreen4 77
Honeydew2 194
PaleTurquoise1 159
LightCyan2 195
PaleTurquoise4 66
Red1 196
PaleVioletRed1 211
DeepPink2 197
Pink1 218
DeepPink3 198
Pink3 175
DeepPink1 199
Plum1 219
Magenta3 200
Plum2 183
Magenta1 201
Plum3 176
OrangeRed1 202
Plum4 96
IndianRed3 203
Purple 129
IndianRed2 204
Purple1 5
HotPink 205
Purple2 93
HotPink1 206
Purple3 56
MediumOrchid2 207
Purple4 54
DarkOrange 208
Purple5 55
Salmon1 209
name ↓ byte
name byte ↓
Red 9
LightCoral 210
Red1 196
PaleVioletRed1 211
Red2 124
Orchid2 212
Red3 160
Orchid1 213
RosyBrown 138
Orange1 214
RoyalBlue1 63
SandyBrown 215
Salmon1 209
LightSalmon1 216
SandyBrown 215
LightPink1 217
SeaGreen1 84
Pink1 218
SeaGreen2 85
Plum1 219
SeaGreen3 83
Gold1 220
SeaGreen4 78
LightGoldenrod4 221
Silver 7
LightGoldenrod2 222
SkyBlue1 117
NavajoWhite1 223
SkyBlue2 111
MistyRose1 224
SkyBlue3 74
Thistle1 225
SlateBlue1 99
Yellow1 226
SlateBlue2 61
LightGoldenrod1 227
SlateBlue3 62
Khaki1 228
SpringGreen1 48
Wheat1 229
SpringGreen2 42
Cornsilk1 230
SpringGreen3 47
Grey100 231
SpringGreen4 35
Grey3 232
SpringGreen5 41
Grey7 233
SpringGreen6 29
Grey11 234
SteelBlue 67
Grey15 235
SteelBlue1 75
Grey19 236
SteelBlue2 81
Grey23 237
SteelBlue3 68
Grey27 238
Tan 180
Grey30 239
name ↓ byte
name byte ↓
Teal 6
Grey35 240
Thistle1 225
Grey39 241
Thistle3 182
Grey42 242
Turquoise2 45
Grey46 243
Turquoise4 30
Grey50 244
Violet 177
Grey54 245
Wheat1 229
Grey58 246
Wheat4 101
Grey62 247
White 15
Grey66 248
Yellow 11
Grey70 249
Yellow1 226
Grey74 250
Yellow2 190
Grey78 251
Yellow3 184
Grey82 252
Yellow4 100
Grey85 253
Yellow5 106
Grey89 254
Yellow6 148
Grey93 255


meli(1), meli.conf(5)



Copyright 2017–2024 Manos Pitsidianakis <>

Released under the GPL, version 3 or greater. This software carries no warranty of any kind. (See COPYING for full copyright and warranty notices.)

March 10, 2024 Debian