.\" -*- mode: troff; coding: utf-8 -*-
.TH "nix3-realisation-info" "1" ""
This program is
.UR @docroot@/development/experimental-features.md#xp-feature-nix-command
and its interface is subject to change.
.SH Name
\f(CRnix realisation info\fR - query information about one or several realisations
.SH Synopsis
\f(CRnix realisation info\fR [\fIoption\fR\[u2026]] \fIinstallables\fR\[u2026]
.SH Description
Display some information about the given realisation
.SH Examples
Show some information about the realisation of the \f(CRhello\fR package:
$ nix realisation info nixpkgs#hello --json
.SH Options
.IP "\(bu" 3
.UR #opt-json
Produce output in JSON format, suitable for consumption by another program.
.IP "\(bu" 3
.UR #opt-stdin
Read installables from the standard input. No default installable applied.
Common evaluation options
.IP "\(bu" 3
.UR #opt-arg
\fIname\fR \fIexpr\fR
Pass the value \fIexpr\fR as the argument \fIname\fR to Nix functions.
.IP "\(bu" 3
.UR #opt-arg-from-file
\fIname\fR \fIpath\fR
Pass the contents of file \fIpath\fR as the argument \fIname\fR to Nix functions.
.IP "\(bu" 3
.UR #opt-arg-from-stdin
Pass the contents of stdin as the argument \fIname\fR to Nix functions.
.IP "\(bu" 3
.UR #opt-argstr
\fIname\fR \fIstring\fR
Pass the string \fIstring\fR as the argument \fIname\fR to Nix functions.
.IP "\(bu" 3
.UR #opt-debugger
Start an interactive environment if evaluation fails.
.IP "\(bu" 3
.UR #opt-eval-store
The \c
.UR @docroot@/store/types/index.md#store-url-format
URL of the Nix store
to use for evaluation, i.e. to store derivations (\f(CR.drv\fR files) and inputs referenced by them.
.IP "\(bu" 3
.UR #opt-impure
Allow access to mutable paths and repositories.
.IP "\(bu" 3
.UR #opt-include
/ \f(CR-I\fR \fIpath\fR
Add \fIpath\fR to search path entries used to resolve \c
.UR @docroot@/language/constructs/lookup-path.md
lookup paths
This option may be given multiple times.
Paths added through \f(CR-I\fR take precedence over the \c
.UR @docroot@/command-ref/conf-file.md#conf-nix-path
\f(CRnix-path\fR configuration setting
and the \c
.UR @docroot@/command-ref/env-common.md#env-NIX_PATH
\f(CRNIX_PATH\fR environment variable
.UE \c
.IP "\(bu" 3
.UR #opt-override-flake
\fIoriginal-ref\fR \fIresolved-ref\fR
Override the flake registries, redirecting \fIoriginal-ref\fR to \fIresolved-ref\fR.
Common flake-related options
.IP "\(bu" 3
.UR #opt-commit-lock-file
Commit changes to the flake\(cqs lock file.
.IP "\(bu" 3
.UR #opt-inputs-from
Use the inputs of the specified flake as registry entries.
.IP "\(bu" 3
.UR #opt-no-registries
Don\(cqt allow lookups in the flake registries.
Use \c
.UR @docroot@/command-ref/conf-file.md#conf-use-registries
.IP "\(bu" 3
.UR #opt-no-update-lock-file
Do not allow any updates to the flake\(cqs lock file.
.IP "\(bu" 3
.UR #opt-no-write-lock-file
Do not write the flake\(cqs newly generated lock file.
.IP "\(bu" 3
.UR #opt-output-lock-file
Write the given lock file instead of \f(CRflake.lock\fR within the top-level flake.
.IP "\(bu" 3
.UR #opt-override-input
\fIinput-path\fR \fIflake-url\fR
Override a specific flake input (e.g. \f(CRdwarffs/nixpkgs\fR). This implies \f(CR--no-write-lock-file\fR.
.IP "\(bu" 3
.UR #opt-recreate-lock-file
Recreate the flake\(cqs lock file from scratch.
Use \c
.UR @docroot@/command-ref/new-cli/nix3-flake-update.md
\f(CRnix flake update\fR
.IP "\(bu" 3
.UR #opt-reference-lock-file
Read the given lock file instead of \f(CRflake.lock\fR within the top-level flake.
.IP "\(bu" 3
.UR #opt-update-input
Update a specific flake input (ignoring its previous entry in the lock file).
Use \c
.UR @docroot@/command-ref/new-cli/nix3-flake-update.md
\f(CRnix flake update\fR
Logging-related options
.IP "\(bu" 3
.UR #opt-debug
Set the logging verbosity level to \(oqdebug\(cq.
.IP "\(bu" 3
.UR #opt-log-format
Set the format of log output; one of \f(CRraw\fR, \f(CRinternal-json\fR, \f(CRbar\fR or \f(CRbar-with-logs\fR.
.IP "\(bu" 3
.UR #opt-print-build-logs
/ \f(CR-L\fR
Print full build logs on standard error.
.IP "\(bu" 3
.UR #opt-quiet
Decrease the logging verbosity level.
.IP "\(bu" 3
.UR #opt-verbose
/ \f(CR-v\fR
Increase the logging verbosity level.
Miscellaneous global options
.IP "\(bu" 3
.UR #opt-help
Show usage information.
.IP "\(bu" 3
.UR #opt-offline
Disable substituters and consider all previously downloaded files up-to-date.
.IP "\(bu" 3
.UR #opt-option
\fIname\fR \fIvalue\fR
Set the Nix configuration setting \fIname\fR to \fIvalue\fR (overriding \f(CRnix.conf\fR).
.IP "\(bu" 3
.UR #opt-refresh
Consider all previously downloaded files out-of-date.
.IP "\(bu" 3
.UR #opt-repair
During evaluation, rewrite missing or corrupted files in the Nix store. During building, rebuild missing or corrupted store paths.
.IP "\(bu" 3
.UR #opt-version
Show version information.
Options that change the interpretation of \fBinstallables\fR
.IP "\(bu" 3
.UR #opt-all
Apply the operation to every store path.
.IP "\(bu" 3
.UR #opt-derivation
Operate on the \c
.UR @docroot@/glossary.md#gloss-store-derivation
store derivation
rather than its outputs.
.IP "\(bu" 3
.UR #opt-expr
Interpret \c
.UR @docroot@/command-ref/new-cli/nix.md#installables
as attribute paths relative to the Nix expression \fIexpr\fR.
.IP "\(bu" 3
.UR #opt-file
/ \f(CR-f\fR \fIfile\fR
Interpret \c
.UR @docroot@/command-ref/new-cli/nix.md#installables
as attribute paths relative to the Nix expression stored in \fIfile\fR. If \fIfile\fR is the character -, then a Nix expression will be read from standard input. Implies \f(CR--impure\fR.
.IP "\(bu" 3
.UR #opt-recursive
/ \f(CR-r\fR
Apply operation to closure of the specified paths.
See \c
.UR @docroot@/command-ref/conf-file.md#command-line-flags
\f(CRman nix.conf\fR
for overriding configuration settings with command line flags.