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UGLIFY-JS(1) User Commands UGLIFY-JS(1)


uglify-js - manual page for uglify-js 3.3.10


Usage: uglifyjs [options] [files...]
output the version number
Specify parser options.
Enable compressor/specify compressor options.
Mangle names/specify mangler options.
Mangle properties/specify mangler options.
Beautify output/specify output options.
Output file (default STDOUT).
Preserve copyright comments in the output.
Read minify() options from JSON file.
Global definitions.
Support non-standard Internet Explorer 8.
Do not mangle/drop function names. Useful for code relying on
File to hold mangled name mappings.
Force symbol expansion.
Disable symbol expansion. (default: true)
Build UglifyJS as a library (implies --wrap UglifyJS)
Enable source map/specify source map options.
Display operations run time on STDERR.
Compress and/or mangle variables in toplevel scope.
Print diagnostic messages.
Print warning messages.
Embed everything as a function with ???exports??? corresponding to ???name??? globally.
output usage information
February 2018 uglify-js 3.3.10