table of contents
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- unstable 1:2.098-1
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PDL::Index(3pm) | User Contributed Perl Documentation | PDL::Index(3pm) |
PDL::Index - an index of PDL documentation
A meta document listing the documented PDL modules and the PDL manual documents
PDL manuals¶
- Inline::Pdlpp - Write PDL Subroutines inline with PDL::PP
- PDL::API - making ndarrays from Perl and C/XS code
- PDL::BadValues - Discussion of bad value support in PDL
- PDL::Broadcasting - Tutorial for PDL's Broadcasting feature
- PDL::Bugs - How to diagnose and report PDL problems
- PDL::Course - A journey through PDL's documentation, from beginner to advanced.
- PDL::Dataflow - description of the dataflow implementation and philosophy
- PDL::FAQ - Frequently asked questions about PDL
- PDL::Graphics - Introduction to the PDL::Graphics modules
- PDL::IO - An overview of the modules in the PDL::IO namespace.
- PDL::Indexing - Introduction to indexing and slicing ndarrays.
- PDL::Internals - description of some aspects of the current internals
- PDL::MATLAB - A guide for MATLAB users.
- PDL::Modules - A guide to PDL's module reference.
- PDL::Objects - Object-Orientation, what is it and how to exploit it
- PDL::PP - Generate PDL routines from concise descriptions
- PDL::ParallelCPU - Parallel processor multi-threading support in PDL
- PDL::Philosophy - Why did we write PDL?
- PDL::QuickStart - Quick introduction to PDL features.
- PDL::Scilab - A guide for Scilab users.
- PDL::Tips - Small tidbits of useful arcana. Programming tidbits and such.
- PDL::Tutorials - A guide to PDL's tutorial documentation.
PDL scripts¶
- perldl - Simple shell for PDL
- pptemplate - script to generate Makefile.PL and PP file skeleton
PDL modules¶
- PDL - the Perl Data Language
- PDL::AutoLoader - MatLab style AutoLoader for PDL
- PDL::Bad - PDL always processes bad values
- PDL::Basic - Basic utility functions for PDL
- PDL::Char - PDL subclass which allows reading and writing of fixed-length character strings as byte PDLs
- PDL::Complex::Overloads - subclass of Math::Complex with overload fallbacks
- PDL::Compression - compression utilities
- PDL::Constants - basic compile time constants for PDL
- PDL::Core - fundamental PDL functionality and vectorization/broadcasting
- PDL::Core::Dev - PDL development module
- PDL::Dbg - functions to support debugging of PDL scripts
- PDL::Demos - PDL demo infrastructure
- PDL::Demos::Sound - play PDL-generated sounds
- PDL::DiskCache - Non-memory-resident array object
- PDL::Doc - support for PDL online documentation
- PDL::Doc::Perldl - commands for accessing PDL doc database from 'perldl' shell
- PDL::Exporter - PDL export control
- PDL::FFT - FFTs for PDL
- PDL::Filter::LinPred - Linear predictive filtering
- PDL::Filter::Linear - linear filtering for PDL
- PDL::Fit::Gaussian - routines for fitting gaussians
- PDL::Fit::LM - Levenberg-Marquardt fitting routine for PDL
- PDL::Fit::Linfit - routines for fitting data with linear combinations of functions.
- PDL::Fit::Polynomial - routines for fitting with polynomials
- PDL::Func - interpolation, integration, & gradient estimation (differentiation) of functions
- PDL::GSL::CDF - PDL interface to GSL Cumulative Distribution Functions
- PDL::GSL::DIFF - PDL interface to numerical differentiation routines in GSL
- PDL::GSL::INTEG - PDL interface to numerical integration routines in GSL
- PDL::GSL::INTERP - PDL interface to Interpolation routines in GSL
- PDL::GSL::LINALG - PDL interface to linear algebra routines in GSL
- PDL::GSL::MROOT - PDL interface to multidimensional root-finding routines in GSL
- PDL::GSL::RNG - PDL interface to RNG and randist routines in GSL
- PDL::GSLSF::AIRY - PDL interface to GSL Special Functions
- PDL::GSLSF::BESSEL - PDL interface to GSL Special Functions
- PDL::GSLSF::CLAUSEN - PDL interface to GSL Special Functions
- PDL::GSLSF::COULOMB - PDL interface to GSL Special Functions
- PDL::GSLSF::COUPLING - PDL interface to GSL Special Functions
- PDL::GSLSF::DAWSON - PDL interface to GSL Special Functions
- PDL::GSLSF::DEBYE - PDL interface to GSL Special Functions
- PDL::GSLSF::DILOG - PDL interface to GSL Special Functions
- PDL::GSLSF::ELEMENTARY - PDL interface to GSL Special Functions
- PDL::GSLSF::ELLINT - PDL interface to GSL Special Functions
- PDL::GSLSF::ELLJAC - PDL interface to GSL Special Functions
- PDL::GSLSF::ERF - PDL interface to GSL Special Functions
- PDL::GSLSF::EXP - PDL interface to GSL Special Functions
- PDL::GSLSF::EXPINT - PDL interface to GSL Special Functions
- PDL::GSLSF::FERMI_DIRAC - PDL interface to GSL Special Functions
- PDL::GSLSF::GAMMA - PDL interface to GSL Special Functions
- PDL::GSLSF::GEGENBAUER - PDL interface to GSL Special Functions
- PDL::GSLSF::HYPERG - PDL interface to GSL Special Functions
- PDL::GSLSF::LAGUERRE - PDL interface to GSL Special Functions
- PDL::GSLSF::LEGENDRE - PDL interface to GSL Special Functions
- PDL::GSLSF::LOG - PDL interface to GSL Special Functions
- PDL::GSLSF::POLY - PDL interface to GSL Special Functions
- PDL::GSLSF::POW_INT - PDL interface to GSL Special Functions
- PDL::GSLSF::PSI - PDL interface to GSL Special Functions
- PDL::GSLSF::SYNCHROTRON - PDL interface to GSL Special Functions
- PDL::GSLSF::TRANSPORT - PDL interface to GSL Special Functions
- PDL::GSLSF::TRIG - PDL interface to GSL Special Functions
- PDL::GSLSF::ZETA - PDL interface to GSL Special Functions
- PDL::Gaussian - Gaussian distributions.
- PDL::Graphics::OpenGL::Perl::OpenGL - PDL TriD OpenGL interface using POGL
- PDL::Graphics::OpenGLQ - quick routines to plot lots of stuff from ndarrays.
- PDL::Graphics::TriD - PDL 3D interface
- PDL::Graphics::TriD::ButtonControl - default event handler subroutines
- PDL::Graphics::TriD::Contours - 3D Surface contours for TriD
- PDL::Graphics::TriD::Graph - PDL 3D graph object with axes
- PDL::Graphics::TriD::Labels - Text tools
- PDL::Graphics::TriD::MathGraph - Mathematical Graph objects for PDL
- PDL::Graphics::TriD::Objects - Simple Graph Objects for TriD
- PDL::Graphics::TriD::Rout - Helper routines for Three-dimensional graphics
- PDL::Graphics::TriD::Tk - A Tk widget interface to the PDL::Graphics::TriD.
- PDL::Graphics::TriD::VRML - TriD VRML backend
- PDL::IO::Dicom - a module for reading DICOM images.
- PDL::IO::Dumper - data dumping for structs with PDLs
- PDL::IO::FITS - Simple FITS support for PDL
- PDL::IO::FastRaw - A simple, fast and convenient io format for PerlDL.
- PDL::IO::FlexRaw - A flexible binary I/O format for PerlDL
- PDL::IO::GD - Interface to the GD image library.
- PDL::IO::HDF - A PDL interface to the HDF4 library.
- PDL::IO::HDF::SD - PDL interface to the HDF4 SD library.
- PDL::IO::HDF::VS - An interface library for HDF4 files.
- PDL::IO::IDL - I/O of IDL Save Files
- PDL::IO::Misc - misc IO routines for PDL
- PDL::IO::Pic - image I/O for PDL
- PDL::IO::Pnm - pnm format I/O for PDL
- PDL::IO::STL - read/write 3D stereolithography files
- PDL::IO::Storable - helper functions to make PDL usable with Storable
- PDL::Image2D - Miscellaneous 2D image processing functions
- PDL::ImageND - useful image processing in N dimensions
- PDL::ImageRGB - some utility functions for RGB image data handling
- PDL::Install::Files - Module for use by ExtUtils::Depends and Inline
- PDL::Lite - minimum PDL module OO loader
- PDL::LiteF - minimum PDL module function loader
- PDL::Math - extended mathematical operations and special functions
- PDL::Matrix - a convenience matrix class for column-major access
- PDL::MatrixOps - Some Useful Matrix Operations
- PDL::NiceSlice - toward a nicer slicing syntax for PDL
- PDL::Ops - Fundamental mathematical operators
- PDL::Opt::Simplex - Simplex optimization routines
- PDL::Options - simplifies option passing by hash in PerlDL
- PDL::Primitive - primitive operations for pdl
- PDL::Reduce - a "reduce" function for PDL
- PDL::Slatec - PDL interface to the slatec numerical programming library
- PDL::Slices - Indexing, slicing, and dicing
- PDL::Transform - Coordinate transforms, image warping, and N-D functions
- PDL::Transform::Cartography - Useful cartographic projections
- PDL::Transform::Proj4 - PDL::Transform interface to the Proj4 projection library
- PDL::Types - define fundamental PDL Datatypes
- PDL::Ufunc - primitive ufunc operations for pdl
Automatically generated by for PDL version 2.089_01.
2025-01-03 | perl v5.40.0 |