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storage.conf - RozoFS storage daemon configuration file


storage.conf is managed thanks to libconfig <> and thus complies to the libconfig grammar.

nodeid (optional)

When numa_aware is True in rozofs.conf , this parameter enables to give the NUMA node identifier to pin the storaged and its storios on. If this parameter is not set but numa_aware is True in rozofs.conf , the storaged and storio make their own choice of node identifier based on the hostname (single node configuration) or cluster identifier.

listen (mandatory)

Specifies list of IP(s) (or hostname(s)) and port(s) the storio process must listen to for receiving write and read requests from clients.

addr: (IP or hostname that the server should listens to)
- must be a valid IPv4 address or a valid hostname.
- if "*" is specified storio will listen on any of the interfaces.

port: (TCP port number (in decimal) to use for storio process)
In single storio mode, only one storio is started that listens on this port to service every configured cluster.
In multiple storio mode, one storio is started per cluster that listen on this port + the cluster number to service the given cluster only.

storages (mandatory)

It is the list of logical storages managed by this storage node. The storage node is subdivided in several logical storages, each managing its set of disk. Each logical storage is identified by its cluster identifier (cid) and logical storage identifier (sid) within the cluster. Each (cid,sid) pair must be unique within a RozoFS system.

The logical storage manages several devices. When device automount is not set (check device_automount in man rozofs.conf) a root path parameter must be set for each logical storage to tell the directory under which one must find a sub-directory per configured device. 1rst device is subdirectory "0", 2nd is subdirectory "1" and so on. An empty file named "X" should be created in the device subdirectory prior to mounting any device on it. Whether this "X" file is visible or not tells RozoFS whether some device is mounted or not on the directory. A mark file named "storage_c<cid>_s<sid>_<device#>" should be created at the root of the device in order to prevent this device to be miss used in case it is not mounted at the right place. All these directories and files should be created offline at installation time when device automount is not set.

Prefer setting device automount feature on (man rozofs.conf) for an easier system setup. In this case the root path parameter is ignored. One has just to format the device, mount it anywhere, set the "storage_c<cid>_s<sid>_<device#>" mark file at its root and finally unmount it. The storage will take care of the rest.

It is up to the logical storage to distribute each mojette projected chunk of data file on its devices and to remember where they are. For this purpose it stores this distribution information in a mapper file per user file. These mapper files are spread among the available devices. For a given data file a hash on the file unic identifier (FID) modulo the number of devices gives the device number where the mapper file of this FID stands. When one first install the logical storage, all available devices should be used to receive mapper files. Later when some devices are added to the logical storage, one must not change the hash modulo to be able to retrieve the mapper information. So the data files will be spread on all the devices (device-total) while the mapper files will still be spread on the previous number of device (device-mapper). At the first RozoFS system setup the 2 values are the same. Later when one add some devices to the logical storage, device-total is increased while device-mapper is not changed.

When some device is broken, some mapper files may be missing. As RozoFS must be fault tolerant, it must keep several copy of each mapper file on several devices. A value of 2 for device-redundancy is consistent with a layout 0, while a value of 3 better fits a layout 1.

If device self healing from spare devices is enabled (check device_selfhealing_mode in man rozofs.conf), while only one volume is configured, any spare device can be used by any logical storage. In this case a spare device is just a formatted but not mounted ext4/xfs disk with an empty mark file named "rozofs_spare" at its root. Any logical storage can use it when it needs to replace a failed device. The spare-mark parameter must not be set in the storage configuration file.

When several volumes are defined, they are probably built from disks of different nature and characteristics. A spare device can only secure a given volume. A specific string for each volume must be set in the "rozofs_spare" mark files of the spare devices to tell what volume this spare device can secure. The logical storage must know which string it must find in a spare device mark file to use this spare device. The spare-mark parameter tells the logical storage the content of the rozofs_spare mark file of its spare devices.

cid: (cluster identifier)
- must be an integer.
- should exist in exportd configuration file.

sid: (storage identifier)
- must be an integer (between 1 and 255).
- should exist in exportd configuration file.

root: (directory path where data will be stored)
- is ignored and so can be omitted when device automount is set.
- must be an existing directory.
- must be unique for each storage managed by this storaged.
device-total: (total number of devices)
- must be an integer.
device-mapper: (number of devices used for file to device mapping)
- must be an integer.
- must be lower than or equal to device-total.
- must never be changed.
device-redundancy: (number of copies of each file to device mapping file)
- must be an integer.
- must be lower than or equal to device-mapper.
- must not be decreased.
spare-mark: (content of the rozofs_spare mark file of the spare devices of this logical storage)
- can be omitted if its spare devices have an empty "rozofs_spare" mark file.
- must be a string
- must not exceed 64 character

self-healing and export-hosts : Deprecated !

Check in rozofs.conf how to setup selhealing with RozoFS.


# sample RozoFS storage configuration file
listen = (

{addr = ""; port = 41001; },
{addr = ""; port = 41001; } ); storages = (
{cid = 1; sid = 1; root = "/srv/rozofs/storages/storage_1_1"; device-total = 6; device-mapper = 3; device-redundancy = 3;},
{cid = 1; sid = 2; root = "/srv/rozofs/storages/storage_1_2"; device-total = 6; device-mapper = 3; device-redundancy = 3;},
{cid = 2; sid = 1; root = "/srv/rozofs/storages/storage_2_1"; device-total = 3; device-mapper = 3; device-redundancy = 3;}


/etc/rozofs/storage.conf (/usr/local/etc/rozofs/storage.conf)

The system wide configuration file.


Fizians <>


rozofs(7), storaged(8)