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CreateTiledMosaic - part of ANTS registration suite
- CreateTiledMosaic
- Render a 3-D image volume with optional Rgb overlay.
-i, --input-image inputImageFilename
- Main input is a 3-D grayscale image.
-r, --rgb-image rgbImageFilename
- An optional Rgb image can be added as an overlay. It must have the same image geometry as the input grayscale image.
-x, --mask-image maskImageFilename
- Specifies the ROI of the RGB voxels used.
-a, --alpha value
- If an Rgb image is provided, render the overlay using the specified alpha parameter.
-o, --output tiledMosaicImage
- The output consists of the tiled mosaic image.
-t, --tile-geometry RxC
- The tile geometry specifies the number of rows and columns in the output image. For example, if the user specifies '5x10', then 5 rows by 10 columns of slices are rendered. If R < 0 and C > 0 (or vice versa), the negative value is selected based on direction.
-d, --direction 0/1/2
- Specifies the direction of the slices. If no direction is specified, the direction with the coarsest spacing is chosen.
- -p, --pad-or-crop padVoxelWidth
- [padVoxelWidth,<constantValue=0>] [lowerPadding[0]xlowerPadding[1],upperPadding[0]xupperPadding[1],constantValue]
- The user can specify whether to pad or crop a specified voxel-width boundary of each individual slice. For this program, cropping is simply padding with negative voxel-widths. If one pads (+), the user can also specify a constant pad value (default = 0). If a mask is specified, the user can use the mask to define the region, by using the keyword "mask" plus an offset, e.g. "-p mask+3".
-s, --slices Slice1xSlice2xSlice3...
- numberOfSlicesToIncrement [numberOfSlicesToIncrement,<minSlice=0>,<maxSlice=lastSlice>]
- This option gives the user more control over what slices to use for rendering. The user can specify specific slices for a particular order. Alternatively the user can specify the number slices to increment with the optional specification of which slices to start and end the sequence. A negative value for the numberOfSlicesToIncrement causes rendering in the reverse order. For the third option, minSlice < maxSlice. If a mask is specified, the user can use the mask to define the region, by using the keyword "mask" plus an offset, e.g. "-s [1,mask-3,200]".For the third option, minSlice < maxSlice.
-f, --flip-slice flipXxflipY
- Flip individual slice images horizontally and/or vertically, specified e.g. as '0x1' or '1x1'.
-g, --permute-axes doPermute
- Permute (or swap) the axes of the individual slice images.
- Print the help menu (short version).
- Print the help menu. <VALUES>: 1
September 2017 | CreateTiledMosaic 2.1.0 |