COPYFS-MOUNT(1) | User Commands | COPYFS-MOUNT(1) |
copyfs-mount - mounts a versioned file system
copyfs-mount version-directory mount-point
This script lets you mount a CopyFS file system. version-directory is the directory where the files and version information will be stored by CopyFS.
When using CopyFS for the first time, copyfs-mount will create the required files in the version-directory before running copyfs-daemon. mount-point is the directory where the copyfs file system will be mounted. This is where the users will have access to the files.
If you want to mount a CopyFS at '/mnt/fs', whose version directory is at /var/versions, you would use:
root@host# copyfs-mount /var/versions /mnt/fs
To unmount it, simply do:
root@host# umount /mnt/fs
As you would do for any other filesystem.
You can also allow an ordinary non-root users to mount and unmount CopyFS filesystems provided that the user is added to the 'fuse' group. Ordinary users will be able unmount the filesystem, using the fusermount command:
$ fusermount -u mount-point
CopyFS was created by Thomas Joubert and Nicolas Vigier <>
<> CopyFS web site.
<> FUSE - Filesystem in USErspace
copyfs(1), copyfs-fversion(1), copyfs-daemon(1), fusermount(1)
May 2008 | copyfs-mount |