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fsharpi - manual page for F# 3.0 interactive REPL (Open Source Edition)
Interactive REPL console for the F# language, version 3.0
fsharpi [options...] [script.fsx [arguments...]
- --use:file
- Use the given file on startup as initial input
- --load:file
- #load the given file on startup --reference:assembly, -r assembly Reference an assembly -- Pass remaning arguments to script, accessed using fsi.CommandLineArgs
- --debug[+|-], -g
- Emit debug information
- --debug:[full|pdbonly]
- Specify debugging type: full, pdbonly. full is the default and enables attaching a debugger to a running program.
- --optimize[+|-], -O
- Enable optimizations
- --tailcalls[+|-]
- Enable tailcalls
- --crossoptimize[+|-]
- Enable cross-module optimizations
- --warnaserror[+|-]
- Report all warnings as errors
- --warnaserror[+|-]:warn[;warn[;...]]
- Report specific warnings as errors
- --warn:n
- Set a warning level (0-5)
- --nowarn:warn[;warn[;...]]
- Disable specific warning messages
- --warnon:warn[;warn[;...]]
- Enable specific warnings that may be off by default
- --consolecolors[+|-]
- Output warning and error messages in color
- --checked[+|-]
- Generate overflow checks
- --define:string, -d string
- Define conditional compilation symbols
- --mlcompatibility
- Ignore ML compatibility warnings
- --nologo
- Suppress compiler copyright message
- --help, -?
- Display this usage message
- --codepage:n
- Specify the codepage used to read source files
- --utf8output
- Output messages in UTF-8 encoding
- --fullpaths
- Output messages with fully qualified paths
- --lib:dir[;dir[;...]], -I dir[;dir[;...]]
- Specify a directory for the include path which is used to resolve source files and assemblies
- --baseaddress:address
- Base address for the library to be built
- --noframework
- Do not reference the default CLI assemblies by default
- --standalone
- Statically link the F# library and all referenced DLLs that depend on it into the assembly being generated
- --staticlink:assembly
- Statically link the given assembly and all referenced DLLs that depend on this assembly. Use an assembly name e.g. mylib, not a DLL name.
- --resident
- Use a resident background compilation service to improve compiler startup times.
- --pdb:file
- Name the output debug file
- --simpleresolution
- Resolve assembly references using directory-based rules rather than MSBuild resolution
- --highentropyva[+|-]
- Enable high-entropy ASLR
- --subsystemversion:string
- Specify subsystem version of this assembly
February 2014 | fsharpi 3.0.34 |