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STCPCLI(1) BP executables STCPCLI(1)


sstcpcli - DTN simple TCP convergence layer input task


stcpcli local_hostname[:local_port_nbr]


stcpcli is a background "daemon" task comprising 1 + N threads: one that handles TCP connections from remote stcpclo tasks, spawning sockets for data reception from those tasks, plus one input thread for each spawned socket to handle data reception over that socket.

The connection thread simply accepts connections on a TCP socket bound to local_hostname and local_port_nbr and spawns reception threads. The default value for local_port_nbr, if omitted, is 4556.

Each reception thread receives bundles over the associated connected socket. Each bundle received on the connection is preceded by a 32-bit unsigned integer in network byte order indicating the length of the bundle. The received bundles are passed to the bundle protocol agent on the local ION node.

stcpcli is spawned automatically by bpadmin in response to the 's' (START) command that starts operation of the Bundle Protocol; the text of the command that is used to spawn the task must be provided at the time the "stcp" convergence layer protocol is added to the BP database. The convergence layer input task is terminated by bpadmin in response to an 'x' (STOP) command. stcpcli can also be spawned and terminated in response to START and STOP commands that pertain specifically to the STCP convergence layer protocol.


stcpcli terminated normally, for reasons noted in the ion.log file. If this termination was not commanded, investigate and solve the problem identified in the log file and use bpadmin to restart stcpcli.
stcpcli terminated abnormally, for reasons noted in the ion.log file. Investigate and solve the problem identified in the log file, then use bpadmin to restart stcpcli.


No configuration files are needed.


No environment variables apply.


The following diagnostics may be issued to the ion.log log file:

bpadmin has not yet initialized Bundle Protocol operations.
No STCP induct matching local_hostname and local_port_nbr has been added to the BP database. Use bpadmin to stop the STCP convergence-layer protocol, add the induct, and then restart the STCP protocol.
Redundant initiation of stcpcli.
Operating system error. Check errtext, correct problem, and restart STCP.
Operating system error. Check errtext, correct problem, and restart STCP.
Operating system error. Check errtext, correct problem, and restart STCP.
Operating system error. Check errtext, correct problem, and restart STCP.


Report bugs to <>


bpadmin(1), bprc(5), stcpclo(1)

2016-07-07 perl v5.24.1