LABGRID-CLIENT(1) | embedded testing | LABGRID-CLIENT(1) |
labgrid-client - labgrid-client interface to control boards
labgrid-client --help
labgrid-client -p <place> <command>
labgrid-client places|resources
Labgrid is a scalable infrastructure and test architecture for embedded (linux) systems.
This is the client to control a boards status and interface with it on remote machines.
- -h, --help
- display command line help
- -p PLACE, --place PLACE
- specify the place to operate on
- -x, --crossbar-url
- the crossbar url of the coordinator, defaults to ws://
- -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
- set the configuration file
- -s STATE, --state STATE
- set an initial state before executing a command, requires a configuration file and strategy
- -d, --debug
- enable debugging
- -v, --verbose
- increase verbosity
- -P PROXY, --proxy PROXY
- proxy connections over ssh
The configuration file follows the description in labgrid-device-config(5).
Various labgrid-client commands use the following environment variable:
This variable can be used to specify a place without using the -p option, the -p option overrides it.
This variable can be used to specify a reservation for the wait command and for the + place expansion.
This variable can be used to specify a state which the device transitions into before executing a command. Requires a configuration file and a Strategy specified for the device.
This variable can be used to specify the configuration file to use without using the --config option, the --config option overrides it.
This variable can be used to set the default crossbar URL (instead of using the -x option).
This variable can be used to set the default crossbar realm to use instead of realm1.
This variable can be used to specify a SSH proxy hostname which should be used to connect to the coordinator and any resources which are normally accessed directly.
Override the hostname used when accessing a resource. Typically only useful for CI pipelines where the hostname may not be consistent between pipeline stages.
Override the username used when accessing a resource. Typically only useful for CI pipelines where the username may not be consistent between pipeline stages.
Match patterns are used to assign a resource to a specific place. The format is: exporter/group/cls/name, exporter is the name of the exporting machine, group is a name defined within the exporter, cls is the class of the exported resource and name is its name. Wild cards in match patterns are explicitly allowed, * matches anything.
monitor Monitor events from the coordinator
resources (r) List available resources
places (p) List available places
who List acquired places by user
show Show a place and related resources
create Add a new place (name supplied by -p parameter)
delete Delete an existing place
add-alias alias Add an alias to a place
del-alias alias Delete an alias from a place
set-comment comment Update or set the place comment
set-tags comment Set place tags (key=value)
add-match match Add one (or multiple) match pattern(s) to a place, see MATCHES
del-match match Delete one (or multiple) match pattern(s) from a place, see MATCHES
add-named-match match name Add one match pattern with a name to a place
acquire (lock) Acquire a place
allow user Allow another user to access a place
release (unlock) Release a place
env Generate a labgrid environment file for a place
power (pw) action Change (or get) a place's power status, where action is one of get, on, off, status
io action Interact with GPIO (OneWire, relays, ...) devices, where action is one of high, low, get
console (con) Connect to the console
fastboot arg Run fastboot with argument
bootstrap filename Start a bootloader
sd-mux action Switch USB SD Muxer, where action is one of dut (device-under-test), host, off
ssh Connect via SSH
scp Transfer file via scp (use ':dir/file' for the remote side)
rsync Transfer files via rsync (use ':dir/file' for the remote side)
sshfs Mount a remote path via sshfs
telnet Connect via telnet
video Start a video stream
tmc command Control a USB TMC device
write-image Write images onto block devices (USBSDMux, USB Sticks, …)
reserve filter Create a reservation
cancel-reservation token Cancel a pending reservation
wait token Wait for a reservation to be allocated
reservations List current reservations
If a target contains multiple Resources of the same type, named matches need to be used to address the individual resources. In addition to the match taken by add-match, add-named-match also takes a name for the resource. The other client commands support the name as an optional parameter and will inform the user that a name is required if multiple resources are found, but no name is given.
To retrieve a list of places run:
$ labgrid-client places
To access a place, it needs to be acquired first, this can be done by running the acquire command and passing the placename as a -p parameter:
$ labgrid-client -p <placename> acquire
Open a console to the acquired place:
$ labgrid-client -p <placename> console
Add all resources with the group "example-group" to the place example-place:
$ labgrid-client -p example-place add-match */example-group/*/*
Rouven Czerwinski <>
Organization: Labgrid-Project
Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Pengutronix. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
2017-04-15 | 0.0.1 |