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Bio::Index::Hmmer(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Bio::Index::Hmmer(3pm)


Bio::Index::Hmmer - indexes HMMER reports and supports retreival based on query


        # Complete Code for indexing a set of report files
        #!/usr/bin/perl -w
        use strict;
        use Bio::Index::Hmmer;
        my $indexfile = shift;
        my $index = Bio::Index::Hmmer->new(
                -filename => $indexfile,
                -write_flag => 1
        # Complete code for fetching a report
        use strict;
        use Bio::Index::Hmmer;
        my $indexfile = shift;
        my $index = Bio::Index::Hmmer->new(
                -filename => $indexfile,
                -write_flag => 0
        foreach my $id (@ARGV) {
                my $report = $index->fetch_report($id);
                print "Query: ", $report->query_name(), "\n";
                while( my $hit = $report->next_hit() ) {
                        print "\tHit Name: ", $hit->name(), "\n";
                        while( my $hsp = $hit->next_domain() ) {
                                print "\t\tE-Value: ", $hsp->evalue(), "\n";


This object allows one to build an index on a HMMER file (or files) and provide quick access to the HMMER report for that accession. For best results 'use strict'.

You can also set or customize the unique key used to retrieve by writing your own function and calling the id_parser() method. For example:

   # make the index
   # here is where the retrieval key is specified
   sub get_id {
      my $line = shift;
      $line =~ /^KW\s+([A-Z]+)/i;


Mailing Lists

User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to the Bioperl mailing list. Your participation is much appreciated.                  - General discussion  - About the mailing lists


Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list:

rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem with code and data examples if at all possible.

Reporting Bugs

Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track of the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the web:

AUTHOR - Josh Lauricha



The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _


 Usage   : $index = Bio::Index::Hmmer->new(
               -filename    => $dbm_file,
               -write_flag  => 0,
               -dbm_package => 'DB_File',
               -verbose     => 0
 Function: Returns a new index object.  If filename is
 specified, then open_dbm() is immediately called.
 Returns : A new index object
 Args    : -filename    The name of the dbm index file.
           -write_flag  TRUE if write access to the dbm file is
           -dbm_package The Perl dbm module to use for the
           -verbose     Print debugging output to STDERR if

Bio::Index::Hmmer implemented methods


 Title   : fetch_report
 Usage   : my $report = $idx->fetch_report($id);
 Function: Returns a Bio::Search::Result::HMMERResult report object
           for a specific HMMER report
 Returns : Bio::Search::Result::HMMERResult
 Args    : valid id


  Title   : id_parser
  Usage   : $index->id_parser( CODE )
  Function: Stores or returns the code used by record_id to
            parse the ID for record from a string.  Useful
            for (for instance) specifying a different
            parser for different flavours of blast dbs.
            Returns \&default_id_parser (see below) if not
            set. If you supply your own id_parser
            subroutine, then it should expect a fasta
            description line.  An entry will be added to
            the index for each string in the list returned.
  Example : $index->id_parser( \&my_id_parser )
  Returns : ref to CODE if called without arguments
  Args    : CODE


  Title   : default_id_parser
  Usage   : $id = default_id_parser( $header )
  Function: The default Blast Query ID parser for
            Returns $1 from applying the regexp /^>\s*(\S+)/
            to $header.
  Returns : ID string
  Args    : a header line string

Require methods from Bio::Index::Abstract


  Title   : _index_file
  Usage   : $index->_index_file( $file_name, $i )
  Function: Specialist function to index HMMER report file(s).
            Is provided with a filename and an integer
            by make_index in its SUPER class.
  Example :
  Returns :
  Args    :

Bio::Index::Abstract methods


 Title   : filename
 Usage   : $value = $self->filename();
 Function: Gets or sets the name of the dbm index file.
 Returns : The current value of filename
 Args    : Value of filename if setting, or none if
           getting the value.


 Title   : write_flag
 Usage   : $value = $self->write_flag();
 Function: Gets or sets the value of write_flag, which
           is whether the dbm file should be opened with
           write access.
 Returns : The current value of write_flag (default 0)
 Args    : Value of write_flag if setting, or none if
           getting the value.


 Usage   : $value = $self->dbm_package();
 Function: Gets or sets the name of the Perl dbm module used.
           If the value is unset, then it returns the value of
           the package variable $USE_DBM_TYPE or if that is
           unset, then it chooses the best available dbm type,
           choosing 'DB_File' in preference to 'SDBM_File'.
           Bio::Abstract::Index may work with other dbm file
 Returns : The current value of dbm_package
 Args    : Value of dbm_package if setting, or none if
           getting the value.


 Title   : get_stream
 Usage   : $stream = $index->get_stream( $id );
 Function: Returns a file handle with the file pointer
           at the approprite place
           This provides for a way to get the actual
           file contents and not an object
           WARNING: you must parse the record deliminter
           *yourself*. Abstract won't do this for you
           So this code
           $fh = $index->get_stream($myid);
           while( <$fh> ) {
              # do something
           will parse the entire file if you don't put in
           a last statement in, like
           while( <$fh> ) {
              /^\/\// && last; # end of record
              # do something
 Returns : A filehandle object
 Args    : string represents the accession number
 Notes   : This method should not be used without forethought


  Usage   : $index->open_dbm()
  Function: Opens the dbm file associated with the index
            object.  Write access is only given if explicitly
            asked for by calling new(-write => 1) or having set
            the write_flag(1) on the index object.  The type of
            dbm file opened is that returned by dbm_package().
            The name of the file to be is opened is obtained by
            calling the filename() method.
  Example : $index->_open_dbm()
  Returns : 1 on success


  Title   : _version
  Usage   : $type = $index->_version()
  Function: Returns a string which identifes the version of an
            index module.  Used to permanently identify an index
            file as having been created by a particular version
            of the index module.  Must be provided by the sub class
  Example :
  Returns :
  Args    : none


  Title   : _filename
  Usage   : $index->_filename( FILE INT )
  Function: Indexes the file
  Example :
  Returns :
  Args    :


  Title   : _file_handle
  Usage   : $fh = $index->_file_handle( INT )
  Function: Returns an open filehandle for the file
            index INT.  On opening a new filehandle it
            caches it in the @{$index->_filehandle} array.
            If the requested filehandle is already open,
            it simply returns it from the array.
  Example : $fist_file_indexed = $index->_file_handle( 0 );
  Returns : ref to a filehandle
  Args    : INT


  Title   : _file_count
  Usage   : $index->_file_count( INT )
  Function: Used by the index building sub in a sub class to
            track the number of files indexed.  Sets or gets
            the number of files indexed when called with or
            without an argument.
  Example :
  Returns : INT
  Args    : INT


  Title   : add_record
  Usage   : $index->add_record( $id, @stuff );
  Function: Calls pack_record on @stuff, and adds the result
            of pack_record to the index database under key $id.
            If $id is a reference to an array, then a new entry
            is added under a key corresponding to each element
            of the array.
  Example : $index->add_record( $id, $fileNumber, $begin, $end )
  Returns : TRUE on success or FALSE on failure
  Args    : ID LIST


  Title   : pack_record
  Usage   : $packed_string = $index->pack_record( LIST )
  Function: Packs an array of scalars into a single string
            joined by ASCII 034 (which is unlikely to be used
            in any of the strings), and returns it.
  Example : $packed_string = $index->pack_record( $fileNumber, $begin, $end )
  Returns : STRING or undef
  Args    : LIST


  Title   : unpack_record
  Usage   : $index->unpack_record( STRING )
  Function: Splits the sting provided into an array,
            splitting on ASCII 034.
  Example : ( $fileNumber, $begin, $end ) = $index->unpack_record( $self->db->{$id} )
  Returns : A 3 element ARRAY
  Args    : STRING containing ASCII 034


 Title   : DESTROY
 Usage   : Called automatically when index goes out of scope
 Function: Closes connection to database and handles to
           sequence files
 Returns : NEVER
 Args    : NONE
2018-10-27 perl v5.26.2