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Simplif(3o) | OCaml library | Simplif(3o) |
Simplif - Lambda simplification and lambda plugin hooks
Module Simplif
Module Simplif
: sig end
Lambda simplification and lambda plugin hooks
Warning: this module is unstable and part of Compiler_libs .
val simplify_lambda : string -> Lambda.lambda -> Lambda.lambda
val split_default_wrapper : id:Ident.t -> kind:Lambda.function_kind -> params:(Ident.t * Lambda.value_kind) list -> return:Lambda.value_kind -> body:Lambda.lambda -> attr:Lambda.function_attribute -> loc:Location.t -> (Ident.t * Lambda.lambda) list
val is_tail_native_heuristic : (int -> bool) ref
module Hooks : sig end
2020-07-30 | OCamldoc |