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SCRAPY(1) | General Commands Manual | SCRAPY(1) |
scrapy - the Scrapy command-line tool
scrapy [command] [OPTIONS] ...
Scrapy is controlled through the scrapy command-line tool. The script provides several commands, for different purposes. Each command supports its own particular syntax. In other words, each command supports a different set of arguments and options.
fetch [OPTION] URL¶
- Fetch a URL using the Scrapy downloader
- --headers
- Print response HTTP headers instead of body
runspider [OPTION] spiderfile¶
Run a spider
- --output=FILE
- Store scraped items to FILE in XML format
settings [OPTION]¶
Query Scrapy settings
- --get=SETTING
- Print raw setting value
- --getbool=SETTING
- Print setting value, intepreted as a boolean
- --getint=SETTING
- Print setting value, intepreted as an integer
- --getfloat=SETTING
- Print setting value, intepreted as an float
- --getlist=SETTING
- Print setting value, intepreted as an float
- --init
- Print initial setting value (before loading extensions and spiders)
shell URL | file¶
Launch the interactive scraping console
startproject projectname¶
Create new project with an initial project template
--help, -h¶
Print command help and options
Log file. if omitted stderr will be used
--loglevel=LEVEL, -L LEVEL¶
Log level (default: None)
Disable logging completely
Always use this spider when arguments are urls
Write python cProfile stats to FILE
Write lsprof profiling stats to FILE
Write process ID to FILE
Set/override setting (may be repeated)
Scrapy was written by the Scrapy Developers.
This manual page was written by Ignace Mouzannar <>, for the Debian project (but may be used by others).
October 17, 2009 |