'\" t
.\"     Title: sqlobject-admin
.\"    Author: [see the "AUTHORS" section]
.\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.75.1 <http://docbook.sf.net/>
.\"      Date: 06/03/2010
.\"  Language: English
.TH "SQLOBJECT\-ADMIN" "1" "06/03/2010"
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sqlobject-admin \- manage your database as defined with SQLObject classes
\fBsqlobject\-admin\fR [\fIoptions\fR] \fIcommand\fR
The sqlobject\-admin tool included with SQLObject allows you to manage your database as defined with SQLObject classes\&.
Some of the features include creating tables, checking the status of the database, recording a version of a schema, and updating the database to match the version of the schema in your code\&.
The following commands are recognized:
.RS 4
Show the help text\&.
.RS 4
Find the tables and create them\&. Existing tables are simply skipped\&.
.RS 4
Show the SQL to create all the tables\&.
.RS 4
Drop tables\&. Missing tables are skipped\&.
.RS 4
Execute an arbitrary SQL expression\&.
.RS 4
List out all the found classes\&.
.RS 4
Show if tables are present in the database\&.
.RS 4
Record historical information about the database status
.RS 4
Update the database to a new version (as created by record)
\fB\-c\fR \fICONNECTION\fR\fB, \-\-connection\fR=\fICONNECTION\fR
.RS 4
Connection string for the database \&.
\fB\-f\fR \fIFILENAME\fR\fB, \-\-config\-file=\fR\fIFILENAME\fR
.RS 4
Configuration file from which to get the connection to the database\&.
\fB\-m\fR \fIMODULE\fR\fB, \-\-module=\fR\fIMODULE\fR
.RS 4
A module to look in for classes\&.
\fB\-p\fR \fIPACKAGE\fR\fB, \-\-package=\fR\fIPACKAGE\fR
.RS 4
A package to look in\&.
.RS 4
Restricting the found classes to the matching classes\&.
.RS 4
Egg description that should be loaded\&.
.if n \{\
.RS 4
This manual page was written by Carl Chenet <chaica@ohmytux\&.com>\&.
.if n \{\
.if n \{\
.RS 4
This package is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License version
2.1 (or later)\&. You can find the full text of the LGPL in
/usr/share/common\-licenses/LGPL in your Debian system\&.
.if n \{\