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AMC-EXPORT(1) Auto Multiple Choice AMC-EXPORT(1)


AMC-export - exports marks for AMC multiple choice exams.


auto-multiple-choice export --data project-data-dir --module module --fich-noms students-list.csv [--noms-encodage list-encoding] --o output-file


The command exports marks from an Auto Multiple Choice exam.

--data project-data-dir

gives the directory where data files are (see for example AMC-prepare(1)).

--module module

selects a module for export. See below for the modules included in the AMC standard distribution.

--fich-noms students-list.csv

sets the students list file.

--noms-encodage list-encoding

selects an encoding for file students-list.csv (default is utf-8).

--o output-file

gives the output file name.

--option-out options

gives an option for selected module, in the form key=value (see below for possible options for each module). To specify multiple options, use --option several times.

--sort sort-type

sort the students names, depending on sort-type. If sort-type is l, use line number from students list file to sort. If sort-type is m, use mark (and name if marks are equal) to sort. If sort-type is i, use student number to sort. If sort-type is n, use name to sort (or line from students list if equal).

--useall all

if all is 0 or empty, only students with a scanned answer sheet appears in the output. If all is 1, all students in the students list appears in the output.



With "--module ods", an OpenDocument (for use by OpenOffice or LibreOffice for example) is produced. The following options are recognized:


gives a name for the exam, to be written on the beginning of the sheet.


gives an short name for the exam, to be used as a tab name.


sets the list of columns that are to be added to each student. Default value is student.key,


with a true value, a table will be added with statistics for all questions.


with a true value, a table will be added with statistics for all indicative questions.


With "--module CSV", a CSV file is produced. The following options are recognized:


sets the list of columns that are to be added to each student. Default value is student.copy,student.key,


sets the decimal point (default is a dot).


sets the encoding to use for output (default is utf-8).


sets the character used between columns (default is a comma).


sets the character used to enclose strings (default is a double quote).


if not empty, additional columns (with "CHECKED:" prefix) are included to give all the checked boxes on all the sheets. This can be used by an external program to retrieve all the checked boxes when marks are not sufficient. Use value 01 to get 0;0;1;1;0 if boxes 3 and 4 are checked, and value AB to get CD if boxes 3 and 4 are checked.


With "--module List", a PDF file is produced with a list of marks for all students. The following options are recognized:


The page size. Default value is a4.


gives the name of the exam, to be printed at the top of the page.


The number of columns. Default value is 2.


sets the decimal point (default is a dot).


Alexis Bienvenüe <>

Main author

Anirvan Sarkar

Author and Editor

Hiroto Kagotani


Frédéric Bréal

Author and Editor

Jean Bérard

Translation from French

Georges Khaznadar

Translation from French


Copyright © 2008-2021 Alexis Bienvenüe

This document can be used according to the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 or later.

2021-01-21 Auto Multiple Choice 1.5.0