.TH erl_error 3erl "stdlib" "Ericsson AB" "Erlang Module Definition" .SH NAME erl_error \- Utilities for reporting errors. .SH DESCRIPTION .LP This module provides functions for pretty-printing errors and exceptions\&. It is used by both the \fIshell\fR\& and by \fIproc_lib\fR\& to print exceptions\&. .LP It is possible for the module raising an error to provide additional information by calling \fIerror/3\fR\& with extra error information\&. More details about this mechanism is described in EEP-54\&. .SH DATA TYPES .nf \fBformat_options()\fR\& = .br #{column => column(), .br stack_trim_fun => stack_trim_fun(), .br format_fun => format_fun()} .br .fi .RS .LP A map with formatting options\&. .RE .nf \fBstack_trim_fun()\fR\& = .br fun((module(), atom(), arity()) -> boolean()) .br .fi .RS .LP A fun used to trim the end of the stacktrace\&. It is called with module, function, and arity from an entry from the stacktrace\&. The fun is to return \fItrue\fR\& if the entry should be trimmed, and \fIfalse\fR\& otherwise\&. The default value is: .LP .nf fun(_, _, _) -> false end .fi .RE .nf \fBformat_fun()\fR\& = fun((term(), column()) -> iolist()) .br .fi .RS .LP A fun used to format function arguments for BIF and function calls\&. By default the following fun will be used: .LP .nf fun(Term, I) -> io_lib:print(Term, I, 80, 30) end .fi .RE .nf \fBcolumn()\fR\& = integer() >= 1 .br .fi .RS .LP Start column number\&. Default is 1\&. .RE .SH EXPORTS .LP .nf .B format_exception(Class, Reason, StackTrace) -> unicode:chardata() .br .fi .br .nf .B format_exception(Class, Reason, StackTrace, Options) -> .B unicode:chardata() .br .fi .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 Class = error | exit | throw .br Reason = term() .br StackTrace = erlang:stacktrace() .br Options = format_options() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Format the error reason and stack back-trace caught using \fItry\fR\& \&.\&.\&. \fIcatch\fR\& in the same style as the shell formats them\&. .LP Example: .LP .nf try do_something() catch C:R:Stk -> Message = erl_error:format_exception(C, R, Stk), io:format(LogFile, "~ts\\n", [Message]) end .fi .LP If \fIerror_info\fR\& is provided with the exception, \fIformat_exception\fR\& will use that information to provide additional information about the exception\&. .LP Example: .LP .nf try erlang:raise(badarg,[],[{error_info,#{}}]) catch C:R:Stk -> Message = erl_error:format_exception(C, R, Stk), io:format(LogFile, "~ts\\n", [Message]) end .fi .LP See \fIerlang:error/3\fR\& for details on how to raise an exception with \fIerror_info\fR\& included\&. .RE .SH "CALLBACK FUNCTIONS" .LP The following functions are to be exported from an Error Info handler\&. .SH EXPORTS .LP .B Module:format_error(Reason, StackTrace) -> ErrorDescription .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 Reason = term() .br StackTrace = erlang:stacktrace() .br ArgumentPosition = pos_integer() .br ErrorDescription = .br #{ ArgumentPosition => unicode:chardata(), .br general => unicode:chardata(), .br reason => unicode:chardata() } .br .RE .RE .RS .LP This callback is called when \fI format_exception/4\fR\& or similar functionality wants to provide extra information about an error\&. The \fIModule\fR\&:\fIFunction\fR\& called is the one specificed by the \fIerror_info\fR\& map\&. .LP The function should return a map with additional information about what have caused the exception\&. The possible keys of the map are: .RS 2 .TP 2 .B \fIArgumentPosition = pos_integer()\fR\&: The position of the argument that caused the error starting at 1\&. .TP 2 .B \fIgeneral\fR\&: An error that is not associated with any argument caused the error\&. .TP 2 .B \fIreason\fR\&: If the \fIReason\fR\& should be printed differently than the default way\&. .RE .LP If the text returned includes new-lines, \fIformat_exception/4\fR\& will indent the text correctly\&. .LP Example: .LP .nf -module(my_error_module). -export([atom_to_string/1, format_error/2]). atom_to_string(Arg) when is_atom(Arg) -> atom_to_list(Arg); atom_to_string(Arg) -> erlang:error(badarg,[Arg], [{error_info,#{ module => ?MODULE, cause => #{ 1 => "should be an atom" }}}]). format_error(Reason, [{_M,_F,_As,Info}|_]) -> ErrorInfo = proplists:get_value(error_info, Info, #{}), ErrorMap = maps:get(cause, ErrorInfo), ErrorMap#{ general => "optional general information", reason => io_lib:format("~p: ~p",[?MODULE, Reason]) }. .fi .LP .nf 1> c(my_error_module). {ok,my_error_module} 2> my_error_module:atom_to_string(1). ** exception error: my_error_module: badarg in function my_error_module:atom_to_string/1 called as my_error_module:atom_to_string(1) *** argument 1: should be an atom *** optional general information .fi .RE