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euca-create-vpn-connection - Create a VPN connection between a virtual private gateway and a customer gateway


euca-create-vpn-connection -t ipsec.1 --customer-gateway CGATEWAY

[--static-routes-only] [--format FORMAT] [--stylesheet STYLESHEET] [--show-empty-fields] [-U URL] [--region USER@REGION] [-I KEY_ID] [-S KEY] [--security-token TOKEN] [--debug] [--debugger] [--version] [-h]


Create a VPN connection between a virtual private gateway and a customer gateway


You can optionally format the connection information for specific devices using the --format or --stylesheet options. If the --stylesheet option is an HTTP or HTTPS URL it will be downloaded as needed.

optional arguments:

the type of VPN connection to use (required)
ID of the customer gateway to connect (required)
ID of the virtual private gateway to connect (required)
use only static routes instead of BGP
show connection information in a specific format (cisco-ios-isr, juniper-junos-j, juniper-screenos-6.1, juniper-screenos-6.2, generic, xml, none) (default: xml)
format the connection information using an XSL stylesheet. If the value contains "{format}" it will be replaced with the format chosen by the --format option. If the value is an HTTP or HTTPS URL it will be downloaded as needed. (default: value of "vpnstylesheet" region option)
show empty values as "(nil)"
compute service endpoint URL
region and/or user names to search when looking up config file data

-I KEY_ID, --access-key-id KEY_ID

-S KEY, --secret-key KEY

--security-token TOKEN

show debugging output
launch interactive debugger on error
show the program's version and exit
show this help message and exit
March 2016 euca2ools 3.3