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LGAGENT(1) | BP executables | LGAGENT(1) |
lgagent - ION Load/Go remote agent program
lgagent own_endpoint_ID
ION Load/Go is a system for management of an ION-based network, enabling the execution of ION administrative programs at remote nodes. The system comprises two programs, lgsend and lgagent.
The lgagent task on a given node opens the indicated ION endpoint for bundle reception, receives the extracted payloads of Load/Go bundles sent to it by lgsend as run on one or more remote nodes, and processes those payloads, which are the text of Load/Go source files.
Load/Go source file content is limited to newline-terminated lines of ASCII characters. More specifically, the text of any Load/Go source file is a sequence of line sets of two types: file capsules and directives. Any Load/Go source file may contain any number of file capsules and any number of directives, freely intermingled in any order, but the typical structure of a Load/Go source file is simply a single file capsule followed by a single directive.
When lgagent identifies a file capsule, it copies all of the capsule's text lines to a new file that it creates in the current working directory. When lgagent identifies a directive, it executes the directive by passing the text of the directive to the pseudoshell() function (see platform(3)). lgagent processes the line sets of a Load/Go source file in the order in which they appear in the file, so the text of a directive may reference a file that was created as the result of processing a prior file capsule in the same source file.
- "0"
- Load/Go remote agent processing has terminated.
lgfile contains the Load/Go file capsules and directives that are to be processed.
No environment variables apply.
The following diagnostics may be issued to the ion.log log file:
- lgagent: can't attach to BP.
- Bundle Protocol is not running on this computer. Run bpadmin(1) to start BP.
- lgagent: can't open own endpoint.
- own_endpoint_ID is not a declared endpoint on the local ION node. Run bpadmin(1) to add it.
- lgagent: bundle reception failed.
- ION system problem. Investigate and correct before restarting.
- lgagent cannot continue.
- lgagent processing problem. See earlier diagnostic messages for details. Investigate and correct before restarting.
- lgagent: no space for bundle content.
- ION system problem: have exhausted available SDR data store reserves.
- lgagent: can't receive bundle content.
- ION system problem: have exhausted available SDR data store reserves.
- lgagent: can't handle bundle delivery.
- ION system problem. Investigate and correct before restarting.
- lgagent: pseudoshell failed.
- Error in directive line, usually an attempt to execute a non-existent administration program (e.g., a misspelled program name). Terminates processing of source file content.
A variety of other diagnostics noting source file parsing problems may also be reported. These errors are non-fatal but they terminate the processing of the source file content from the most recently received bundle.
Report bugs to <>
lgsend(1), lgfile(5)
2016-07-07 | perl v5.24.1 |