table of contents
ARIA-DEMO(1) | General Commands Manual | ARIA-DEMO(1) |
aria-demo - demonstration program for the Aria library
aria-demo [-remoteHost|-rh remoteHostNameOrIP ] [-robotPort|-rp robotSerialPort ] ...
This manual page documents briefly the aria-demo program.
aria-demo uses "Modes" defined in ARIA to provide keyboard control of many different robot features. Use this utility to experiment and test the robot's hardware.
aria-demo accepts all command line options recognized by ARIA library. A summary of options is included below.
ArRobotConnector options¶
- -rh, -remoteHost <remoteHostNameOrIP>
- Specify the hostname or the IP address of the robot to connect to.
- -rp. -robotPort <robotSerialPort>
- Specify the serial port on which the robots microcontroller is connected.
- -rb, -robotBaud <baud>
- Set the baud rate for the serial connection.
- -rrtp, -remoteRobotTcpPort <remoteRobotTcpPort>
- Set the TCP port of the remote robot.
- -ris, -remoteIsSim
- Indicate that the remote robot is simulated.
- -rins, -remoteIsNotSim
- -rlpr, -robotLogPacketsReceived
- -rlps, -robotLogPacketsSent
- -rlmr, -robotLogMovementReceived
- -rlms, -robotLogMovementSent
- -rlvr, -robotLogVelocitiesReceived
- -rla, -robotLogActions
ArLaserConnector options¶
The following options work accross different laser sensors that may be installed on the robot. Read the documentation (provided in the libaria-dev-doc package) for details.
Aria library and this demo program was written by MobileRobots/Adept.
This manual page was written by Srećko Jurić-Kavelj <>, for the Debian project (and may be used by others).
MAY 2013 |