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MAPNIK-CONFIG(1) General Commands Manual MAPNIK-CONFIG(1)


mapnik-config - return meta-information about Mapnik


mapnik-config [ options ]


This manual page documents briefly the mapnik-config command.

mapnik-config is a program that returns meta-information about the installed libmapnik.


This program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (`-'). A summary of options is included below.

Display Mapnik prefix or, alternatively, temporarily set the Mapnik prefix to new_prefix.
Print library linking information.
Print library linking information for Mapnik dependencies.
Print library paths (-L) information.
Print pre-processor and compiler flags.
Print default fonts directory.
Print default input plugins directory.
Print all config options as JSON objects.
Show summary of options.
Shows version information.
Shows SVN revision information.


This manual page was written by David Paleino <>, for the Debian project (but may be used by others), and is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or, at your option, any later version.

October 4, 2011