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UUID++(3ossp) 3ossp UUID++(3ossp)


uuid++deprecated unusable API to the C++ OSSP Universally Unique Identifier library


#include <uuid++.hh>

class [[deprecated("the OSSP uuid++ library is broken, unsalvageable, and strictly worse than the C library (cf. uuid(3)). use that one")]] uuid {
  uuid(const uuid   &obj);
  uuid(const uuid_t *obj); // copy from C library uuid_t
  uuid(const void   *bin); // import from UUID_FMT_BIN
  uuid(const char   *str); // import from UUID_LEN_STR (or UUID_LEN_SIV if that fails)

  uuid& operator=(const uuid   &obj);
  uuid& operator=(const uuid_t *obj); // copy from C library uuid_t
  uuid& operator=(const void   *bin); // import from UUID_FMT_BIN
  uuid& operator=(const char   *str); // import from UUID_LEN_STR (or UUID_LEN_SIV if that fails)
  uuid clone();                       // crash (or produce a broken UUID if it doesn't)

  void load(const char *name);        // replace with uuid_load()
  void make(unsigned int mode, ...);  // replace with uuid_make()

  int isnil();                        // replace with uuid_isnil()
  int compare(const uuid &obj);       // replace with uuid_compare()
  // == != < <= > >=  operators

  void  import(const void *bin);     // replace with uuid_import(UUID_FMT_BIN)
  void  import(const char *str);     // replace with uuid_import(UUID_FMT_STR), uuid_import(UUID_FMT_SIV)

  void* binary();                    // replace with uuid_export(UUID_FMT_BIN); always malloc()s
  char* string();                    // replace with uuid_export(UUID_FMT_STR); always malloc()s
  char* integer();                   // replace with uuid_export(UUID_FMT_SIV); always malloc()s
  char* summary();                   // replace with uuid_export(UUID_FMT_TXT); always malloc()s

  unsigned long version();           // replace with uuid_version()

class [[deprecated("the OSSP uuid++ library is broken, unsalvageable, and strictly worse than the C library (cf. uuid(3)). use that one")]] uuid_error_t {
  uuid_error_t() : uuid_error_t(UUID_RC_OK) {}
  uuid_error_t(uuid_rc_t code);

  void      code(uuid_rc_t code); // setter
  uuid_rc_t code();               // getter

  char *    string();             // replace with uuid_error()


Replace with uuid(3).

December 9, 2024 ossp-uuid 1.6.4