table of contents
pgcopydb copy-db - pgcopydb copy-db
pgcopydb copy-db - copy an entire Postgres database from source to target
The command pgcopydb copy-db copies a database from the given source Postgres instance to the target Postgres instance.
pgcopydb copy-db: Copy an entire database from source to target usage: pgcopydb copy-db --source <URI> --target <URI> [ ... ]
--source Postgres URI to the source database
--target Postgres URI to the target database
--dir Work directory to use
--table-jobs Number of concurrent COPY jobs to run
--index-jobs Number of concurrent CREATE INDEX jobs to run
--drop-if-exists On the target database, clean-up from a previous run first
--no-owner Do not set ownership of objects to match the original database
--no-acl Prevent restoration of access privileges (grant/revoke commands).
--no-comments Do not output commands to restore comments
--skip-large-objects Skip copying large objects (blobs)
--filters <filename> Use the filters defined in <filename>
--restart Allow restarting when temp files exist already
--resume Allow resuming operations after a failure
--not-consistent Allow taking a new snapshot on the source database
--snapshot Use snapshot obtained with pg_export_snapshot
The pgcopydb copy-db command implements the following steps:
- 1.
- pgcopydb calls into pg_dump to produce the pre-data section and the post-data sections of the dump using Postgres custom format.
- 2.
- The pre-data section of the dump is restored on the target database using the pg_restore command, creating all the Postgres objects from the source database into the target database.
- 3.
- pgcopydb gets the list of ordinary and partitioned tables and for
each of them runs COPY the data from the source to the target in a
dedicated sub-process, and starts and control the sub-processes until all
the data has been copied over.
A Postgres connection and a SQL query to the Postgres catalog table pg_class is used to get the list of tables with data to copy around, and the reltuples is used to start with the tables with the greatest number of rows first, as an attempt to minimize the copy time.
- 4.
- An auxiliary process is started concurrently to the main COPY workers.
This auxiliary process loops through all the Large Objects found on the
source database and copies its data parts over to the target database,
much like pg_dump itself would.
This step is much like pg_dump | pg_restore for large objects data parts, except that there isn't a good way to do just that with the tooling.
- 5.
- In each copy table sub-process, as soon as the data copying is done, then
pgcopydb gets the list of index definitions attached to the current
target table and creates them in parallel.
The primary indexes are created as UNIQUE indexes at this stage.
- 6.
- Then the PRIMARY KEY constraints are created USING the just built indexes. This two-steps approach allows the primary key index itself to be created in parallel with other indexes on the same table, avoiding an EXCLUSIVE LOCK while creating the index.
- 7.
- Then VACUUM ANALYZE is run on each target table as soon as the data and indexes are all created.
- 8.
- Then pgcopydb gets the list of the sequences on the source database and
for each of them runs a separate query on the source to fetch the
last_value and the is_called metadata the same way that
pg_dump does.
For each sequence, pgcopydb then calls pg_catalog.setval() on the target database with the information obtained on the source database.
- 9.
- The final stage consists now of running the pg_restore command for
the post-data section script for the whole database, and that's
where the foreign key constraints and other elements are created.
The post-data script is filtered out using the pg_restore --use-list option so that indexes and primary key constraints already created in step 4. are properly skipped now.
The following options are available to pgcopydb copy-db:
- --source
- Connection string to the source Postgres instance. See the Postgres documentation for connection strings for the details. In short both the quoted form "host=... dbname=..." and the URI form postgres://user@host:5432/dbname are supported.
- --target
- Connection string to the target Postgres instance.
- --dir
- During its normal operations pgcopydb creates a lot of temporary files to track sub-processes progress. Temporary files are created in the directory location given by this option, or defaults to ${TMPDIR}/pgcopydb when the environment variable is set, or then to /tmp/pgcopydb.
- --table-jobs
- How many tables can be processed in parallel.
This limit only applies to the COPY operations, more sub-processes will be running at the same time that this limit while the CREATE INDEX operations are in progress, though then the processes are only waiting for the target Postgres instance to do all the work.
- --index-jobs
- How many indexes can be built in parallel, globally. A good option is to set this option to the count of CPU cores that are available on the Postgres target system, minus some cores that are going to be used for handling the COPY operations.
- --drop-if-exists
- When restoring the schema on the target Postgres instance, pgcopydb
actually uses pg_restore. When this options is specified, then the
following pg_restore options are also used: --clean --if-exists.
This option is useful when the same command is run several times in a row, either to fix a previous mistake or for instance when used in a continuous integration system.
This option causes DROP TABLE and DROP INDEX and other DROP commands to be used. Make sure you understand what you're doing here!
- --no-owner
- Do not output commands to set ownership of objects to match the original database. By default, pg_restore issues ALTER OWNER or SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION statements to set ownership of created schema elements. These statements will fail unless the initial connection to the database is made by a superuser (or the same user that owns all of the objects in the script). With --no-owner, any user name can be used for the initial connection, and this user will own all the created objects.
- --skip-large-objects
- Skip copying large objects, also known as blobs, when copying the data from the source database to the target database.
- --filters <filename>
- This option allows to exclude table and indexes from the copy operations. See Filtering for details about the expected file format and the filtering options available.
- --restart
- When running the pgcopydb command again, if the work directory already
contains information from a previous run, then the command refuses to
proceed and delete information that might be used for diagnostics and
In that case, the --restart option can be used to allow pgcopydb to delete traces from a previous run.
- --resume
- When the pgcopydb command was terminated before completion, either by an
interrupt signal (such as C-c or SIGTERM) or because it crashed, it is
possible to resume the database migration.
When resuming activity from a previous run, table data that was fully copied over to the target server is not sent again. Table data that was interrupted during the COPY has to be started from scratch even when using --resume: the COPY command in Postgres is transactional and was rolled back.
Same reasonning applies to the CREATE INDEX commands and ALTER TABLE commands that pgcopydb issues, those commands are skipped on a --resume run only if known to have run through to completion on the previous one.
Finally, using --resume requires the use of --not-consistent.
- --not-consistent
- In order to be consistent, pgcopydb exports a Postgres snapshot by calling
the pg_export_snapshot() function on the source database server.
The snapshot is then re-used in all the connections to the source database
server by using the SET TRANSACTION SNAPSHOT command.
Per the Postgres documentation about pg_export_snapshot:
Now, when the pgcopydb process was interrupted (or crashed) on a previous run, it is possible to resume operations, but the snapshot that was exported does not exists anymore. The pgcopydb command can only resume operations with a new snapshot, and thus can not ensure consistency of the whole data set, because each run is now using their own snapshot.
- --snapshot
- Instead of exporting its own snapshot by calling the PostgreSQL function pg_export_snapshot() it is possible for pgcopydb to re-use an already exported snapshot.
$ export PGCOPYDB_SOURCE_PGURI="port=54311 host=localhost dbname=pgloader" $ export PGCOPYDB_TARGET_PGURI="port=54311 dbname=plop" $ export PGCOPYDB_DROP_IF_EXISTS=on $ pgcopydb copy-db --table-jobs 8 --index-jobs 12 10:04:49 29268 INFO [SOURCE] Copying database from "port=54311 host=localhost dbname=pgloader" 10:04:49 29268 INFO [TARGET] Copying database into "port=54311 dbname=plop" 10:04:49 29268 INFO Found a stale pidfile at "/tmp/pgcopydb/" 10:04:49 29268 WARN Removing the stale pid file "/tmp/pgcopydb/" 10:04:49 29268 WARN Directory "/tmp/pgcopydb" already exists: removing it entirely 10:04:49 29268 INFO STEP 1: dump the source database schema (pre/post data) ... 10:04:52 29268 INFO STEP 3: copy data from source to target in sub-processes 10:04:52 29268 INFO STEP 4: create indexes and constraints in parallel 10:04:52 29268 INFO STEP 5: vacuum analyze each table 10:04:52 29268 INFO Listing ordinary tables in "port=54311 host=localhost dbname=pgloader" 10:04:52 29268 INFO Fetched information for 56 tables ... 10:04:53 29268 INFO STEP 6: restore the post-data section to the target database ...
Step Connection Duration Concurrency
--------------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ------------
Dump Schema source 1s275 1
Prepare Schema target 1s560 1
COPY, INDEX, CONSTRAINTS, VACUUM (wall clock) both 1s095 8 + 12
COPY (cumulative) both 2s645 8
CREATE INDEX (cumulative) target 333ms 12
Finalize Schema target 29ms 1
--------------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ------------
Total Wall Clock Duration both 4s013 8 + 12
--------------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ------------
Dimitri Fontaine
2022, Dimitri Fontaine
July 7, 2022 | 0.7 |