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PYOMO(1) | pyomo | PYOMO(1) |
pyomo - user interface of the Pyomo optimization tool
$ pyomo solve --solver=glpk model.dat --summary
$ pyomo solve --solver-manager=neos --solver=cplex model.dat --summary
- solve
- optimize a Pyomo model. Some of the solvers which are supported by Pyomo's versatile backend are available within Debian. --solver=glpk uses the LP/MIP solver (glpsol) of GNU Linear Programming Kit for optimizing (package: glpk-utils). --solver=cbc uses the MIP solver (cbc) of the COIN-OR project (package: coinor-cbc). Individual configuration files could be employed, while rich commented templates for that could be easily generated. Individual arguments could be passed to the solver by --solver-options="<option>". Please regard that the perfomance level of open source solvers isn't analogous to commercial products like CPLEX when it comes to solving large-scale and very complex problems, but you can do a lot with them. The NEOS Server ( is employed by --solver-manager=neos, while the individual solver which is hosted there must be given, e.g. --solver=cplex. The command pyomo help --solvers puts out information on the whole issue.
- check
- check a model script for errors.
- convert
- convert a model script to another format.
- run
- execute helper scripts installed with Pyomo. --list shows a list of available scripts, and pyomo help --commands puts out information on them. If you want to run those helper scripts independently please add /usr/share/pyomo/ to $PATH.
- info
- put out general system information.
- test-solvers
- test supported solvers.
- help
- put out information about Pyomo's components and features. E.g. pyomo help --components puts out information about what is available in the modeling environment.
Some subcommands put out a usage synopsis when run without options, and some put out extra information when --help is given to them.
For Pyomo's documentation, please see A large collection of example models could be found in /usr/share/doc/pyomo/examples/. And there's a tutorial in examples/pyomo/tutorial.
Pyomo is written by William Hart, John Siirola, and Jean-Paul Watson.
This manpage is written by Daniel Stender <>.