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simsearch - simsearch


usage: simsearch [-h] [-k K_NEAREST] [-t THRESHOLD] [-q QUERIES] [--NxN]

[--hex-query HEX_QUERY] [--query-id QUERY_ID] [--in FORMAT] [-o FILENAME] [-c] [-b BATCH_SIZE] [--scan] [--memory] [--times] target_filename

Search an FPS file for similar fingerprints

positional arguments:

target filename

optional arguments:

show this help message and exit
select the k nearest neighbors (use 'all' for all neighbors)
minimum similarity score threshold
filename containing the query fingerprints
use the targets as the queries, and exclude the selfsimilarity term
query in hex
id for the hex query
input query format (default uses the file extension, else 'fps')
output filename (default is stdout)
report counts
batch size
scan the file to find matches (low memory overhead)
build and search an in-memory data structure (faster for multiple queries)
report load and execution times to stderr
May 2013 simsearch 1.1p1