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PREQUEST(1) User Commands PREQUEST(1)


prequest - Python 2 Pyramid command


usage: prequest [-h] [-n NAME] [--header NAME:VALUE] [-d]

[-m {GET,HEAD,POST,PUT,PATCH,DELETE,PROPFIND,OPTIONS}] [-l LOGIN] [config_uri] [path_info] [config_vars [config_vars ...]]

Submit a HTTP request to a web application.

This command makes an artifical request to a web application that uses a PasteDeploy (.ini) configuration file for the server and application.

Use "prequest config.ini /path" to request "/path".

Use "prequest --method=POST config.ini /path < data" to do a POST with the given request body.

Use "prequest --method=PUT config.ini /path < data" to do a PUT with the given request body.

Use "prequest --method=PATCH config.ini /path < data" to do a PATCH with the given request body.

Use "prequest --method=OPTIONS config.ini /path" to do an OPTIONS request.

Use "prequest --method=PROPFIND config.ini /path" to do a PROPFIND request.

If the path is relative (doesn't begin with "/") it is interpreted as relative to "/". The path passed to this script should be URL-quoted. The path can be succeeded with a query string (e.g. '/path?a=1&=b2').

The variable "environ['paste.command_request']" will be set to "True" in the request's WSGI environment, so your application can distinguish these calls from normal requests.

positional arguments:

The URI to the configuration file.
The path of the request.
Variables required by the config file. For example, `http_port=%(http_port)s` would expect `http_port=8080` to be passed here.

optional arguments:

show this help message and exit
Load the named application from the config file (default 'main')
Header to add to request (you can use this option multiple times)
Display status and headers before the response body
HTTP basic auth username:password pair
February 2019 prequest 1.10.2+dfsg-2