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VSERVER-BUILD(8) System Administration VSERVER-BUILD(8)


vserver-build - initializes a vserver


vserver-build -m method -n name [--force] [--keep] [--rootdir dir] [--pkgbase dir] config options* [--] method arguments*

Use build method; see below for possible values.
Name of vserver you are building.
Remove/rename already existing vservers with the same name.
Do not delete generated files and directories if vserver build fails.
Root vserver directory [default: /etc/vservers/.defaults/vdirbase].
Package base directory [default: /var/lib/vservers/.pkg].


The static context of the vserver [default: none; one will be generated for you]. The valid range is 2 through 49151.
The vserver configuration directory to use [default: /etc/vservers/<name>].
The lockfile to use [default: /var/run/vservers/<name>].
Hostname of the vserver.
The default interface to use for --interface.
Broadcast address to associate with the vserver.
Sets the default netmask (a.b.c.d quadruple) or prefixlen (length of the network).
Declares a network-interface name and associated IP/netmask; this option can be specified multiple times.
Sets comma-separated list of flags; see lib/cflags-v13.c for a list.
Declares the CPUSET this vserver will run in [default: none]
Sets which CPUs belong to the CPUSET, :exclusive is a flag (0|1) prohibiting any other cpuset from using those CPUs.
Sets which memory pools belong to the CPUSET, :exclusive is a flag (0|1) prohibiting any other cpuset from using those memory pools.
Virtualize the cpuset (the vserver will see only CPUs defined in the cpuset). Requires kernel patch from
Configures the initstyle (e.g. minit, sysv, plain, gentoo)


-- -d distribution

Installs the base-packages of the given distribution with the help of vapt-get

-- -d distribution

Installs the base-packages of the given distribution with help of vyum

-- [-d distribution] --empty|([--force] [--nodeps] manifest)+

Installs lists of rpm-packages

-- [cmd args*]

Installs a minimal skeleton filesystem, creates the configuration file and calls an optional command

-- -d distribution [-m mirror] [-s script] [-- debootstrap-options*]

Bootstraps the vserver with Debian's 'debootstrap' package

-- (-t tarball)+ [-d distribution]

Installs a vserver using tarball(s)

-- [-f fai_vserver] [-n nfsroot] [-d fai_dir] [-a]

Bootstraps the vserver with the Debian Fully Automatic Installation

-f means use the nfsroot and profile in the vserver fai_vserver

-n nfsroot specifies the 'NFS' root explicitly

-d fai_dir specifies the location of the FAI profile

the -f option implies -n and -d are relative to the fai_vserver

-- [-d distribution] --source source [-o rsync option]*

Installs a vserver by rsyncing from source to the guest root

-- [-d distribution] --source source

Clones a vserver by linking unified files and copying the rest


# vserver kea build -m debootstrap --context 10 --hostname kea --interface eth0: -- -d etch


Please report bugs to


This man page was written by Micah Anderson <> and based upon the helpful output from the program itself.


chbind(8) chcontext(8)
rebootmgr(8) reducecap(8)
vps(8) vpstree(8)

October 27, 2007 vserver-build