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BORG-EXPORT-TAR(1) borg backup tool BORG-EXPORT-TAR(1)


borg-export-tar - Export archive contents as a tarball


borg [common options] export-tar [options] ARCHIVE FILE [PATH...]


This command creates a tarball from an archive.

When giving '-' as the output FILE, Borg will write a tar stream to standard output.

By default (--tar-filter=auto) Borg will detect whether the FILE should be compressed based on its file extension and pipe the tarball through an appropriate filter before writing it to FILE:

  • .tar.gz or .tgz: gzip
  • .tar.bz2 or .tbz: bzip2
  • .tar.xz or .txz: xz
  • .tar.zstd or .tar.zst: zstd
  • .tar.lz4: lz4

Alternatively, a --tar-filter program may be explicitly specified. It should read the uncompressed tar stream from stdin and write a compressed/filtered tar stream to stdout.

The generated tarball uses the GNU tar format.

export-tar is a lossy conversion: BSD flags, ACLs, extended attributes (xattrs), atime and ctime are not exported. Timestamp resolution is limited to whole seconds, not the nanosecond resolution otherwise supported by Borg.

A --sparse option (as found in borg extract) is not supported.

By default the entire archive is extracted but a subset of files and directories can be selected by passing a list of PATHs as arguments. The file selection can further be restricted by using the --exclude option.

For more help on include/exclude patterns, see the borg_patterns command output.

--progress can be slower than no progress display, since it makes one additional pass over the archive metadata.


See borg-common(1) for common options of Borg commands.


archive to export
output tar file. "-" to write to stdout instead.
paths to extract; patterns are supported

optional arguments

filter program to pipe data through
output verbose list of items (files, dirs, ...)

Include/Exclude options

exclude paths matching PATTERN
read exclude patterns from EXCLUDEFILE, one per line
include/exclude paths matching PATTERN
read include/exclude patterns from PATTERNFILE, one per line
Remove the specified number of leading path elements. Paths with fewer elements will be silently skipped.


# export as uncompressed tar
$ borg export-tar /path/to/repo::Monday Monday.tar
# exclude some types, compress using gzip
$ borg export-tar /path/to/repo::Monday Monday.tar.gz --exclude '*.so'
# use higher compression level with gzip
$ borg export-tar --tar-filter="gzip -9" testrepo::linux Monday.tar.gz
# export a tar, but instead of storing it on disk,
# upload it to a remote site using curl.
$ borg export-tar /path/to/repo::Monday - | curl --data-binary @- https://somewhere/to/POST
# remote extraction via "tarpipe"
$ borg export-tar /path/to/repo::Monday - | ssh somewhere "cd extracted; tar x"




The Borg Collective
