table of contents
BS1770GAIN(1) | BS1770GAIN(1) |
bs1770gain - loudness scanner and normalizer based on ITU-R BS.1770
bs1770gain [options] <file/dir> [<file/dir> ...]
BS1770GAIN is a loudness scanner compliant with ITU-R BS.1770 and its flavors EBU R128, ATSC A/85, and ReplayGain 2.0. It helps normalizing the loudness of audio and video files to the same level.
- See bs1770gain --help for experimental options.
- Command line arguments can appear in any order.
- -h,--help
- print this message and exit
- -i,--integrated
- calculate integrated loudness
- -s,--shorterm
- calculate maximum shortterm loudness
- -m,--momentary
- calculate maximum momentary loudness
- -r,--range
- calculate loudness range
- -p,--samplepeak
- calculate maximum sample peak
- -t,--truepeak
- calculate maximum true peak
- -b <timestamp>,--begin <timestamp>
- begin decoding at timestamp (in microseconds, format: hh:mm:ss.mus)
- -d <duration>,--duration <duration>
- let decoding last duration (in microseconds, format: hh:mm:ss.mus)
- -u <method>,--use <method>
- base replay gain calculation on method (with respect to the -a/--apply and -o/--output options), methods: "integrated" (default), "shortterm", or "momentary" experimental methods: "momentary-mean" (same as "integrated"), "momentary-maximum" (same as "momentary"), "shortterm-mean", or "shortterm-maximum" (same as "shortterm")
- -a
- apply the EBU/ATSC/RG album gain to the output (in conjunction with the -o/--output option)
- -o <folder>,--output <folder>
- write RG tags or apply the EBU/ATSC/RG gain, respectively, and output to folder -f <file>,--file <file> write analysis to file
- -x,--extensions
- enable following extensions/defaults:
- 1)
- rename files according to TITLE tag
- 2)
- read metadata from per-folder CSV file "folder.csv"
- 3)
- copy file "folder.jpg" from source to destination folder
- 4)
- automatically add the TRACK and DISC tags
- 5)
- calculate maximum true peak
- 6)
- convert to stereo
- -l,--list
- print FFmpeg format/stream information
- --ebu
- calculate replay gain according to EBU R128 (-23.0 LUFS, default)
- --atsc
- calculate replay gain according to ATSC A/85 (-24.0 LUFS)
- --replaygain
- calculate replay gain according to ReplayGain 2.0 (-18.0 LUFS)
- write track tags
- write album tags
- --unit <unit>
- write tags with <unit>
- --apply <q>
- apply the EBU/ATSC/RG gain to the output (in conjunction with the -o/--output option), q=0.0 (album gain) ... 1.0 (track gain), default 0.0 (album gain)
- --audio <index>
- select audio index (corresponds to [0:<index>] in FFmpeg listing, cf. -l/--list option)
- --video <index>
- select video index (corresponds to [0:<index>] in FFmpeg listing, cf. -l/--list option)
- --stereo
- convert to stereo
- --drc <float>
- set AC3 dynamic range compression (DRC)
- --extension <extension>
- enable extension out of
- "rename":
- rename files according to TITLE tag
- "csv":
- read metadata from per-folder CSV file "folder.csv"
- "jpg":
- copy file "folder.jpg" from source to destination folder
- "tags":
- automatically add the TRACK and DISC tags
- --format <format>
- convert to format
- --loglevel <level>
- set loglevel,
- level:
- "quiet", "panic", "fatal", "error", "warning", "info", "verbose", "debug"
- --xml
- print results in xml format
- --time
- print out duration of program invocation
- --norm <float>
- norm loudness to float.
- The bs1770gain system is written Peter Belkner and others.
- The authors can be contacted via .
This manual page for bs1770gain was written by Petter Reinholdtsen and is licensed using the same terms as the bs1770gain source.
17 February 2023 |