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sancov - manual page for sancov 19


OVERVIEW: Sanitizer Coverage Processing Tool (sancov)

This tool can extract various coverage-related information from: coverage-instrumented binary files, raw .sancov files and their symbolized .symcov version. Depending on chosen action the tool expects different input files:

-print-coverage-pcs - coverage-instrumented binary files

-print-coverage - .sancov files

<other actions>
- .sancov files & corresponding binary files, .symcov files

USAGE: sancov [options] <action> <binary files...> <.sancov files...> <.symcov files...>

Action (required):

Print all covered funcions.
REMOVED. Use -symbolize &
Merges reports.

-not-covered-functions Print all not covered funcions.

Print coverage instrumentation points addresses.
Print coverage statistics.
Print coverage addresses
Produces a symbolized JSON report from binary report.

Generic Options:

Display this help
Alias for --help

-version Display the version

Alias for --version


Alias for --no-demangle
Demangle function names

-ignorelist=<string> Ignorelist file (sanitizer ignorelist format)

Do not demangle function names
List dead source files in reports
Alias for --no-skip-dead-files
Do not list dead source files in reports
Strip this prefix from files paths in reports
Alias for --no-use_default_ignore_list
November 2024 sancov 19