net(3erl) | Erlang Module Definition | net(3erl) |
net - Network interface.
This module provides an API for the network interface.
address_info() =
#{family := socket:domain(),
socktype := socket:type(),
protocol := socket:protocol(),
address := socket:sockaddr()}
ifaddrs() =
#{name := string(),
flags := ifaddrs_flags(),
addr => socket:sockaddr(),
netmask => socket:sockaddr(),
broadaddr => socket:sockaddr(),
dstaddr => socket:sockaddr()}
This type defines all addresses (and flags) associated with the interface.
ifaddrs_flag() =
up | broadcast | debug | loopback | pointopoint | notrailers |
running | noarp | promisc | master | slave | multicast |
portsel | automedia | dynamic
ifaddrs_flags() = [ifaddrs_flag()]
ifaddrs_filter() =
all | default | inet | inet6 | packet |
ifaddrs_filter_map() |
- all:
- All interfaces
- default:
- Interfaces with address family inetandinet6
- inet | inet6 | packet:
- Interfaces with only the specified address family
ifaddrs_filter_map() =
#{family := default | inet | inet6 | packet | all,
flags := any | [ifaddrs_flag()]}
The family field can only have the (above) specified values (and not all the values of socket:domain()).
The use of the flags field is that any flag provided must exist for the interface.
For example, if family is set to inet and flags to [broadcast, multicast] only interfaces with address family inet and the flags broadcast and multicast will be listed.
ifaddrs_filter_fun() = fun((ifaddrs()) -> boolean())
For each ifaddrs entry, return either true to keep the entry or false to discard the entry.
For example, to get an interface list which only contains non-loopback inet interfaces:
net:getifaddrs(fun(#{addr := #{family := inet}, flags := Flags}) -> not lists:member(loopback, Flags); (_) -> false end).
name_info() = #{host := string(), service := string()}
name_info_flags() = [name_info_flag() | name_info_flag_ext()]
name_info_flag() =
namereqd | dgram | nofqdn | numerichost | numericserv
name_info_flag_ext() = idn
network_interface_name() = string()
network_interface_index() = integer() >= 0
gethostname() -> {ok, HostName} | {error, Reason}
Reason = term()
Returns the name of the current host.
getnameinfo(SockAddr) -> {ok, Info} | {error, Reason}
getnameinfo(SockAddr, Flags) -> {ok, Info} | {error, Reason}
Flags = name_info_flags() | undefined
Info = name_info()
Reason = term()
Address-to-name translation in a protocol-independant manner.
This function is the inverse of getaddrinfo. It converts a socket address to a corresponding host and service.
getaddrinfo(Host) -> {ok, Info} | {error, Reason}
getaddrinfo(Host, Service :: undefined) ->
{ok, Info} | {error, Reason}
getaddrinfo(Host :: undefined, Service) ->
{ok, Info} | {error, Reason}
getaddrinfo(Host, Service) -> {ok, Info} | {error, Reason}
Info = [address_info()]
Reason = term()
Network address and service translation.
This function is the inverse of getnameinfo. It converts host and service to a corresponding socket address.
One of the Host and Service may be undefined but not both.
getifaddrs() -> {ok, IfAddrs} | {error, Reason}
getifaddrs(Filter) -> {ok, IfAddrs} | {error, Reason}
getifaddrs(Namespace) -> {ok, IfAddrs} | {error, Reason}
getifaddrs(Filter, Namespace) -> {ok, IfAddrs} | {error, Reason}
Namespace = file:filename_all()
IfAddrs = [ifaddrs()]
Reason = term()
Get interface addresses.
This function is used to get the machines interface addresses, possibly filtered according to Filter.
By default, a filter with the content: #{family => default, flags => any} is used. This will return all interfaces with addresses in the inet and inet6 families.
if_name2index(Name) -> {ok, Idx} | {error, Reason}
Idx = network_interface_index()
Reason = term()
Mappings between network interface names and indexes.
if_index2name(Idx) -> {ok, Name} | {error, Reason}
Name = network_interface_name()
Reason = term()
Mappings between network interface index and names.
if_names() -> {ok, Names} | {error, Reason}
Idx = network_interface_index()
If = network_interface_name()
Reason = term()
Get network interface names and indexes.
kernel 8.5.3 | Ericsson AB |