table of contents
Genome::Model::Tools::Music::MutationRelation(3pm) | User Contributed Perl Documentation | Genome::Model::Tools::Music::MutationRelation(3pm) |
); }
sub _doc_authors {
return <<EOS
Nathan D. Dees, Ph.D.
Qunyuan Zhang, Ph.D. EOS }
sub execute {
# Parse input arguments
my $self = shift;
my $bam_list =
my $maf_file =
my $output_file =
my $gene_list =
my $permutations =
my @all_sample_names; # names of all the samples, no
matter if it's mutated or not
my @genes_to_test; # the genes which will be tested
for relationships
my $skip_non_coding =
my $skip_silent =
# Parse out the names of the samples which should match the names in the MAF file my $sampleFh = IO::File->new( $bam_list ) or die "Couldn't open $bam_list. $!\n"; my $line_count = 0; while( my $line = $sampleFh->getline ) { $line_count++; next if ( $line =~ m/^#/ ); chomp( $line ); my ( $sample ) = split( /\t/, $line ); if ($sample) { push( @all_sample_names, $sample ); } else { warn("could not parse sample name from line $line_count of --bam_list"); } } $sampleFh->close; # If user-specified, parse out the names of the genes that we are limiting our tests to if( defined $gene_list ) { my $geneFh = IO::File->new( $gene_list ) or die "Couldn't open $gene_list. $!\n"; while( my $line = $geneFh->getline ) { next if ( $line =~ m/^#/ ); chomp( $line ); my ( $gene ) = split( /\t/, $line ); push( @genes_to_test, $gene ); } $geneFh->close; } # Create sample-gene matrix my $matrix_file = $self->create_sample_gene_matrix($maf_file, \@all_sample_names, \@genes_to_test, $skip_non_coding, $skip_silent); # Perform mutation-relation test using R my $R_cmd = "R --slave --args < " . __FILE__ . ".R $matrix_file $permutations $output_file"; print "$R_cmd\n"; WIFEXITED(system $R_cmd) or croak "Couldn't run: $R_cmd ($?)"; return(1); }
sub create_sample_gene_matrix {
my $self = shift;
my ( $maf_file,
$skip_silent ) = @_;
my @all_sample_names = @{$all_sample_names_ref};
my @genes_to_test = @{$genes_to_test_ref};
# Create hash of mutations from the MAF file my %mutations; my %all_genes; # Parse the MAF file my $mafFh = IO::File->new( $maf_file ) or die "Couldn't open $maf_file. $!\n"; while( my $line = $mafFh->getline ) { next if( $line =~ m/^(#|Hugo_Symbol)/ ); chomp $line; my @cols = split( /\t/, $line ); my ( $gene, $mutation_class, $sample ) = ( $cols[0], $cols[8], $cols[15] ); # If the mutation classification is odd, quit with error if( $mutation_class !~ m/^(Missense_Mutation|Nonsense_Mutation|Nonstop_Mutation|Splice_Site|Translation_Start_Site|Frame_Shift_Del|Frame_Shift_Ins|In_Frame_Del|In_Frame_Ins|Silent|Intron|RNA|3'Flank|3'UTR|5'Flank|5'UTR|IGR|Targeted_Region|De_novo_Start_InFrame|De_novo_Start_OutOfFrame)$/ ) { print STDERR "Unrecognized Variant_Classification \"$mutation_class\" in MAF file for gene $gene\n"; print STDERR "Please use TCGA MAF Specification v2.3.\n"; return undef; } # If user wants, skip Silent mutations, or those in Introns, RNA, UTRs, Flanks, IGRs, or the ubiquitous Targeted_Region if(( $skip_non_coding && $mutation_class =~ m/^(Intron|RNA|3'Flank|3'UTR|5'Flank|5'UTR|IGR|Targeted_Region)$/ ) || ( $skip_silent && $mutation_class =~ m/^Silent$/ )) { print "Skipping $mutation_class mutation in gene $gene.\n"; next; } $all_genes{$gene}++; $mutations{$sample}{$gene}++; } $mafFh->close; # If the user specified a gene list, then check for genes that are not in the MAF if( scalar( @genes_to_test ) > 0 ) { for( my $i = 0; $i < scalar( @genes_to_test ); ++$i ) { unless( defined $all_genes{$genes_to_test[$i]} ) { print "Skipping ", $genes_to_test[$i], " from specified gene-list since it was not found in the MAF file\n"; splice( @genes_to_test, $i, 1 ); } } } else { @genes_to_test = sort keys %all_genes; } # Write the input matrix to a file for use by the R code my $matrix_file; unless( $matrix_file = $self->mutation_matrix_file ) { $matrix_file = Genome::Sys->create_temp_file_path(); } my $matrix_fh = new IO::File $matrix_file,"w"; # Print input matrix file header my $header = join("\t","Sample",@genes_to_test); $matrix_fh->print("$header\n"); # Print mutation relation input matrix for my $sample (sort @all_sample_names) { $matrix_fh->print($sample); for my $gene (@genes_to_test) { if (exists $mutations{$sample}{$gene}) { $matrix_fh->print("\t1"); } else { $matrix_fh->print("\t0"); } } $matrix_fh->print("\n"); } return $matrix_file; }
2020-11-06 | perl v5.30.3 |