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libnvme(2) API Manual libnvme(2)


struct nvme_fabrics_config - Defines all linux nvme fabrics initiator options


struct nvme_fabrics_config {
char *host_traddr;
char *host_iface;
int queue_size;
int nr_io_queues;
int reconnect_delay;
int ctrl_loss_tmo;
int fast_io_fail_tmo;
int keep_alive_tmo;
int nr_write_queues;
int nr_poll_queues;
int tos;
bool duplicate_connect;
bool disable_sqflow;
bool hdr_digest;
bool data_digest;
bool tls;


Host transport address
Host interface name
Number of IO queue entries
Number of controller IO queues to establish
Time between two consecutive reconnect attempts.
Override the default controller reconnect attempt timeout in seconds
Set the fast I/O fail timeout in seconds.
Override the default keep-alive-timeout to this value in seconds
Number of queues to use for exclusively for writing
Number of queues to reserve for polling completions
Type of service
Allow multiple connections to the same target
Disable controller sq flow control
Generate/verify header digest (TCP)
Generate/verify data digest (TCP)
Start TLS on the connection (TCP)
struct nvme_fabrics_config April 2024