Zonemaster::Engine::Test::Basic - module implementing test for
very basic domain functionality
my @results = Zonemaster::Engine::Test::Basic->all($zone);
- all($zone)
- Runs between one and three tests, depending on the zone. If basic01
passes, basic02 is run. If basic02 fails, basic03 is run.
- metadata()
- Returns a reference to a hash, the keys of which are the names of all test
methods in the module, and the corresponding values are references to
lists with all the tags that the method can use in log entries.
- tag_descriptions()
- Returns a reference to a hash with translation functions. Used by the
builtin translation system.
- version()
- Returns a version string for the module.
- can_continue(@results)
- Looks at the provided log entries and returns true if they indicate that
further testing of the relevant zone is possible.
- basic00
- Checks if the domain name to be tested is valid. Not all syntax tests are
done here, it "just" checks domain name total length and labels
length. In case of failure, all other tests are aborted.
- basic01
- Checks that we can find a parent zone for the zone we're testing. If we
can't, no further testing is done.
- basic02
- Checks that the nameservers for the parent zone returns NS records for the
tested zone, and that at least one of the nameservers thus pointed out
responds sensibly to an NS query for the tested zone.
- basic03
- Checks if at least one of the nameservers pointed out by the parent zone
gives a useful response when sent an A query for the
"www" label in the tested zone (that is,
if we're testing "" this test
will as for A records for
""). This test is only
run if the basic02 test has failed.