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Stdlib.Atomic(3o) | OCaml library | Stdlib.Atomic(3o) |
Stdlib.Atomic - no description
Module Stdlib.Atomic
Module Atomic
: (module Stdlib__Atomic)
type 'a t
An atomic (mutable) reference to a value of type 'a .
val make : 'a -> 'a t
Create an atomic reference.
val get : 'a t -> 'a
Get the current value of the atomic reference.
val set : 'a t -> 'a -> unit
Set a new value for the atomic reference.
val exchange : 'a t -> 'a -> 'a
Set a new value for the atomic reference, and return the current value.
val compare_and_set : 'a t -> 'a -> 'a -> bool
compare_and_set r seen v sets the new value of r to v only if its current value is physically equal to seen -- the comparison and the set occur atomically. Returns true if the comparison succeeded (so the set happened) and false otherwise.
val fetch_and_add : int t -> int -> int
fetch_and_add r n atomically increments the value of r by n , and returns the current value (before the increment).
val incr : int t -> unit
incr r atomically increments the value of r by 1 .
val decr : int t -> unit
decr r atomically decrements the value of r by 1 .
2023-02-12 | OCamldoc |