table of contents
maketx(1) | OpenImageIO | maketx(1) |
maketx -- convert images to tiled, MIP-mapped textures
Usage: maketx [options] file...
This program is part of the OpenImageIO ( tool suite. Detailed documentation is available in pdf format with the OpenImageIO distribution.
- --help
- Print help message
- --version
- Print version and exit
- -v
- Verbose status messages
- Output filename
- --threads NUMTHREADS
- Number of threads (default: #cores)
- -u
- Update mode
- --format FILEFORMAT
- Specify output file format (default: guess from extension)
- --nchannels N
- Specify the number of output image channels.
- --chnames CHANNELNAMES
- Rename channels (comma-separated)
- -d TYPE
- Set the output data format to one of: uint8, sint8, uint16, sint16, half, float
- Specify tile size
- --separate
- Use planarconfig separate (default: contiguous)
- --compression NAME
- Set the compression method (default = zip, if possible)
- --fovcot FOVCAT
- Override the frame aspect ratio. Default is width/height.
- --wrap WRAP
- Specify wrap mode (black, clamp, periodic, mirror)
- --swrap WRAP
- Specific s wrap mode separately
- --twrap WRAP
- Specific t wrap mode separately
- --resize
- Resize textures to power of 2 (default: no)
- --noresize
- Do not resize textures to power of 2 (deprecated)
- --filter FILTERNAME
- Select filter for resizing (choices: box triangle gaussian sharp-gaussian catmull-rom blackman-harris sinc lanczos3 radial-lanczos3 nuke-lanczos6 mitchell bspline disk cubic keys simon rifman, default=box)
- --hicomp
- Compress HDR range before resize, expand after.
- Sharpen MIP levels (default = 0.0 = no)
- --nomipmap
- Do not make multiple MIP-map levels
- --checknan
- Check for NaN/Inf values (abort if found)
- --fixnan STRATEGY
- Attempt to fix NaN/Inf values in the image (options: none, black, box3)
- --fullpixels
- Set the 'full' image range to be the pixel data window --Mcamera %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f Set the camera matrix --Mscreen %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f Set the screen matrix --MNDC %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f Set the NDC matrix
- --prman-metadata
- Add prman specific metadata
- --attrib NAME VALUE
- Sets metadata attribute (name, value)
- --sattrib NAME VALUE
- Sets string metadata attribute (name, value)
- --sansattrib
- Write command line into Software & ImageHistory but remove --sattrib and --attrib options
- --constant-color-detect
- Create 1-tile textures from constant color inputs
- --monochrome-detect
- Create 1-channel textures from monochrome inputs
- --opaque-detect
- Drop alpha channel that is always 1.0
- --no-compute-average
- Don't compute and store average color
- --ignore-unassoc
- Ignore unassociated alpha tags in input (don't autoconvert)
- --runstats
- Print runtime statistics
- --mipimage FILENAME
- Specify an individual MIP level
- --cdf N
- Store the forward and inverse Gaussian CDF as a lookup-table. The variance is set by cdfsigma (1/6 by default), and the number of buckets in the lookup table is determined by cdfbits (8 bit - 256 buckets by default)
- --cdfsigma N
- Specify the Gaussian sigma parameter when writing the forward and inverse Gaussian CDF data. The default vale is 1/6 (0.1667)
- --cdfbits N
- Specify the number of bits used to store the forward and inverse Gaussian CDF. The default value is 8 bits
Basic modes (default is plain texture):
- --shadow
- Create shadow map
- --envlatl
- Create lat/long environment map
- --lightprobe
- Create lat/long environment map from a light probe
- --bumpslopes
- Create a 6 channels bump-map with height, derivatives and square derivatives from an height or a normal map
- --uvslopes_scale VALUE
- If specified, compute derivatives for --bumpslopes in UV space rather than in texel space and divide them by a scale factor. 0=disable by default, only valid for height maps.
- --bumpformat NAME
- Specify the interpretation of a 3-channel input image for --bumpslopes: "height", "normal" or "auto" (default).
- --handed STRING
- Specify the handedness of a vector or normal map: "left", "right", or "" (default).
Color Management Options (OpenColorIO enabled)
- --colorconfig FILENAME
- Explicitly specify an OCIO configuration file
- --colorconvert IN OUT
- Apply a color space conversion to the image. If the output color space is not the same bit depth as input color space, it is your responsibility to set the data format to the proper bit depth using the -d option. (choices: NONE)
- --unpremult
- Unpremultiply before color conversion, then premultiply after the color conversion. You'll probably want to use this flag if your image contains an alpha channel.
Configuration Presets
22 January 2023 |