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- bookworm 1:4.13+dfsg1-1+b1
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PASSWD(1) | Användarkommandon | PASSWD(1) |
passwd - ändra användarlösenord
passwd [flaggor] [INLOGGNINGSNAMN]
The passwd command changes passwords for user accounts. A normal user may only change the password for their own account, while the superuser may change the password for any account. passwd also changes the account or associated password validity period.
The user is first prompted for their old password, if one is present. This password is then encrypted and compared against the stored password. The user has only one chance to enter the correct password. The superuser is permitted to bypass this step so that forgotten passwords may be changed.
After the password has been entered, password aging information is checked to see if the user is permitted to change the password at this time. If not, passwd refuses to change the password and exits.
Användaren frågas sedan två gånger efter ett ersättande lösenord. Den andra inmatningen jämförs mot den första och båda måste stämma överens för att lösenordet ska ändras.
Sedan testas lösenordet för sin komplexitet. Som en allmän riktlinje bör lösenord innehålla 6 till 8 tecken och inkluderas ett eller flera tecken från var och en av följande punkter:
Care must be taken not to include the system default erase or kill characters. passwd will reject any password which is not suitably complex.
Tips för användarlösenord¶
The security of a password depends upon the strength of the encryption algorithm and the size of the key space. The legacy UNIX System encryption method is based on the NBS DES algorithm. More recent methods are now recommended (see ENCRYPT_METHOD). The size of the key space depends upon the randomness of the password which is selected.
Problem i lösenordssäkerheten brukar normalt komma från slarvigt valda lösenord eller hantering. Av denna anledning bör du inte välja ett lösenord som finns i en ordbok eller som måste skrivas ner. Lösenordet bör heller inte vara ett korrekt namn, ditt personnummer, födelsedatum eller gatuadress. Dessa kan användas som gissningar för att ta sig in i systemet.
You can find advice on how to choose a strong password on
The options which apply to the passwd command are:
-a, --all
-d, --delete
-e, --expire
-h, --help
-i, --inactive INACTIVE
-k, --keep-tokens
-l, --lock
Note that this does not disable the account. The user may still be able to login using another authentication token (e.g. an SSH key). To disable the account, administrators should use usermod --expiredate 1 (this set the account's expire date to Jan 2, 1970).
Users with a locked password are not allowed to change their password.
-n, --mindays MIN_DAYS
-q, --quiet
-r, --repository REPOSITORY
-R, --root CHROOT_DIR
-S, --status
-u, --unlock
-w, --warndays WARN_DAYS
-x, --maxdays MAX_DAYS
Passing the number -1 as MAX_DAYS will remove checking a password's validity.
Password complexity checking may vary from site to site. The user is urged to select a password as complex as he or she feels comfortable with.
Users may not be able to change their password on a system if NIS is enabled and they are not logged into the NIS server.
passwd uses PAM to authenticate users and to change their passwords.
The passwd command exits with the following values:
23-03-2023 | shadow-utils 4.13 |