PG_RESTORECLUSTER(1) | Debian PostgreSQL infrastructure | PG_RESTORECLUSTER(1) |
pg_restorecluster - Restore from a pg_backupcluster backup
pg_restorecluster [options] version cluster backup
pg_restorecluster restores a PostgreSQL cluster from a backup created by pg_backupcluster. The cluster will be newly created in the system using the name provided on the command line; this allows renaming a cluster on restore. The restored cluster configuration will be updated to reflect the new name and location.
The backup name passed must end in either .basebackup or .dump; usually this will be the full path to a backup directory in /var/backups/postgresql/version-cluster/ as reported by pg_backupcluster ... list.
Basebackups are restored as-is. For dumps, pg_createcluster is used to create a new cluster, and schema and data are restored via pg_restore.
- -d --datadir DIR
- Use DIR as data directory for the restored cluster (default per createcluster.conf, by default /var/lib/postgresql/version/cluster).
- -p --port N
- Use port N for restored cluster (default is next free port).
- -s --start
- Start cluster after restoring (default for restore from dump; off for
basebackup restores).
After the cluster has been started, ANALYZE is run on all databases.
- --archive
- Configure cluster for recovery from WAL archive. This sets restore_command to retrieve WAL files from backup/../wal.
- --pitr TIMESTAMP
- --recovery-target-time TIMESTAMP
- Additionally to setting restore_command, set recovery_target_time to TIMESTAMP for point-in-time recovery. Also sets recovery_target_action='promote'.
- --wal-archive DIR
- For archive recovery, read WAL from archive DIR (default is backup/../wal).
- /var/backups
- Default root directory for cluster backup directories.
See pg_backupcluster(1) for a description of files.
Christoph Berg <>
2023-03-14 | Debian |