XBALL(6x) | XBALL(6x) |
xball - bounce balls on the screen
xball [ -help -delay delay -gravity percent-gravity -elasticity percent-elasticity -itemWidth ball-width -itemHeight ball-height -collide -perpetual -haltSim -demoFile demo-file -rgbTxt rgb.txt-file ] [XToolkit options]
XBall allows the user to create 3-d shaded balls, or to write and run demo which create and manipulate the balls in various ways. Documentation is included on-line via the Help menu and is not reproduced here.
Run xball -help for a description of the command line options
Several demo files are included with the distribution. To run all the demos, run 'run_demos'.
Most resources are available for user modification. See the XBall app-defaults file for a complete listing of widgets,
Following is a list of the most useful resources:
- XBall*canvas.width, height
- The default width and height of the window in which balls bounce in.
- XBall.delay
- The amount to slow the simulation, in case the computer is too fast. A reasonable range is 0 to 200.
- XBall.itemWidth, itemHeight
- The default width and height of the balls.
- XBall.collide
- If true, balls are colliding on startup.
- XBall.perpetual
- If true, balls are perpetual on startup.
- XBall.haltSim
- If true, simulation is halted on startup.
- XBall.demoFile
- Specified the file to run as a demo on startup.
- XBall.rgbTxt
- Specified the file to load for the colors. The default file is /etc/X11/rgb.txt
- /etc/X11/rgb.txt X11 color names and values.
David Nedde (daven@ivy.wpi.edu).
Packaged for the Debian project by Stephen Birch
Copyright 1991, 1993 David Nedde.
Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
documentation for any purpose and without fee provided that the above
copyright notice appears in all copies. It is provided "as is"
without express or implied warranty.
1/5/93 |